Thank you very much, I will try that as soon as Ican, but I have to go out tonight and eat supper with some relatives soI will prb. get to time to clean him up on Monday afterschool.
P.S. Thanks again
Oh, and if anyone has had prbs. like this tell everyone how you have sloved it.
And during the summer Rio has a cage with wires and has poop traysunderneith, but the thing I worry about is that Rio chews on the wires,and I worry about him cutting himself,and the cuts gettinginfected, thats what I hate about wire cages.
Oh, and also this last summer I was going to show Rio in The PenningtonCounty Fair, but I figured I better not cuz on his black nose there wasa place where he was missing hair, and I figured judges are usuallyreally picky, and might think I am not taking care of him, so I decidedto wait tell next year. So I was jw what do you think thatmissing hair could have been caused from, flys or what?? Iput vasline on his nose wich seemed to help, but Rio didn't like itvery much, he would lick his nose it was kinda funny. I justhope it doesn't happen again.
Oh and don't forget to tell me about about your prbs. you have had inthe past, like infected cuts, or any health prb.s. I reallywant to know how you solved them, so if anything ever happens toanyones rabbits that we know how to slove the prob. So shareyour stories with me and everyone else, so we can make our rabbits havea better, longer life.