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So at my school we have a classroom pet; and yes it's a rabbit.. which is in horrible care, it's a lop dwarf, she's kept in a wired cage 3x her size.. I'm unsure of her age but I believe she's old... Anyways, she breathes incredibly loud and sounds like an old woman trying to cough when you pick her up, I know she has a respiratory problem but unsure of what it is, I'm going to post a picture to see if anyone can maybe identify what she has? The teacher can care less... and this is my report to the SPCA if anyone wants to know the whole story:
I'm a student at North Hollywood High School, they have an Agriculture program there with 20+ rabbits, 2 pigs, 2 donkeys, 20+ goats, 35+ chickens, 7 or so ducks, 1 goose, 5-10 turkeys, 2 alpacas, and 2 sheep. All on school property. And one poor rabbit stuck in the classroom with a horrible respiratory problem in a wired cage maybe 3x her size. The only photo i have is of her.. Many of the animals are sadly taken care of; first off, they breed several rabbits right before easter to sell them off to people. This year they bred at least 5 rabbits, and almost each litter was about 5 babies. Not one full litter made it through. Half of each litter passed away. All rabbits are kept in filthy conditions each in a wired cage for their entire lives. Which most are short... They beg for money from the students because they don't have enough money for food for the animals, but yet they just bought 2 alpacas. There are several goats that are incredibly skinny you can see there bones. And the rabbit named rosy in the classrooms makes the loudest breathing sounds it's sad. She can hardly breathe anymore. The sheep are attacked daily by the goats and hit with their horns until they fall to the ground. Another goat recently ran into a nail and its leg was completely torn up because it was stuck. I also don't believe it's legal to have THAT MANY animals on a school campus. And if it is, it shouldn't be. They clearly don't have money for them; or at least say they don't and beg students that are in the Animal Science class to give them "monthly" fees for the animals. When we were placed in the class. These animals deserve much better care and place to live. One of there ducks used to be bright white with a little ball of feathers on its head in the beginning of the year, now it's almost urine color, with its wings looked like it was cut horribly and we found a hole in its chest, most likely from a nail or something.. These animals deserve so much better.. I wanted to adopt a young rabbit from the Farm, but they told me I had to buy it for 25$. So I denied it and now hes staying there. But from what I've heard; a friend of mine is planning on stealing him because no one is around watching how students treat some of the animals.
If nothing happens to help these animals; at least try to get the classroom pet "rosie" she is so sick and needs vet care incredibly bad.
The picture I am attaching is of her. She's a lop dwarf. Thank you.
EDIT: I apologize the photo is upside down? Unsure why.. I'll try re-uploading it but its normal, for some reason its flipped on this website.

I'm a student at North Hollywood High School, they have an Agriculture program there with 20+ rabbits, 2 pigs, 2 donkeys, 20+ goats, 35+ chickens, 7 or so ducks, 1 goose, 5-10 turkeys, 2 alpacas, and 2 sheep. All on school property. And one poor rabbit stuck in the classroom with a horrible respiratory problem in a wired cage maybe 3x her size. The only photo i have is of her.. Many of the animals are sadly taken care of; first off, they breed several rabbits right before easter to sell them off to people. This year they bred at least 5 rabbits, and almost each litter was about 5 babies. Not one full litter made it through. Half of each litter passed away. All rabbits are kept in filthy conditions each in a wired cage for their entire lives. Which most are short... They beg for money from the students because they don't have enough money for food for the animals, but yet they just bought 2 alpacas. There are several goats that are incredibly skinny you can see there bones. And the rabbit named rosy in the classrooms makes the loudest breathing sounds it's sad. She can hardly breathe anymore. The sheep are attacked daily by the goats and hit with their horns until they fall to the ground. Another goat recently ran into a nail and its leg was completely torn up because it was stuck. I also don't believe it's legal to have THAT MANY animals on a school campus. And if it is, it shouldn't be. They clearly don't have money for them; or at least say they don't and beg students that are in the Animal Science class to give them "monthly" fees for the animals. When we were placed in the class. These animals deserve much better care and place to live. One of there ducks used to be bright white with a little ball of feathers on its head in the beginning of the year, now it's almost urine color, with its wings looked like it was cut horribly and we found a hole in its chest, most likely from a nail or something.. These animals deserve so much better.. I wanted to adopt a young rabbit from the Farm, but they told me I had to buy it for 25$. So I denied it and now hes staying there. But from what I've heard; a friend of mine is planning on stealing him because no one is around watching how students treat some of the animals.
If nothing happens to help these animals; at least try to get the classroom pet "rosie" she is so sick and needs vet care incredibly bad.
The picture I am attaching is of her. She's a lop dwarf. Thank you.
EDIT: I apologize the photo is upside down? Unsure why.. I'll try re-uploading it but its normal, for some reason its flipped on this website.

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