Classroom Pet (Need help now:( )

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Active Member
Apr 21, 2013
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Los Angeles
So at my school we have a classroom pet; and yes it's a rabbit.. which is in horrible care, it's a lop dwarf, she's kept in a wired cage 3x her size.. I'm unsure of her age but I believe she's old... Anyways, she breathes incredibly loud and sounds like an old woman trying to cough when you pick her up, I know she has a respiratory problem but unsure of what it is, I'm going to post a picture to see if anyone can maybe identify what she has? The teacher can care less... and this is my report to the SPCA if anyone wants to know the whole story:

I'm a student at North Hollywood High School, they have an Agriculture program there with 20+ rabbits, 2 pigs, 2 donkeys, 20+ goats, 35+ chickens, 7 or so ducks, 1 goose, 5-10 turkeys, 2 alpacas, and 2 sheep. All on school property. And one poor rabbit stuck in the classroom with a horrible respiratory problem in a wired cage maybe 3x her size. The only photo i have is of her.. Many of the animals are sadly taken care of; first off, they breed several rabbits right before easter to sell them off to people. This year they bred at least 5 rabbits, and almost each litter was about 5 babies. Not one full litter made it through. Half of each litter passed away. All rabbits are kept in filthy conditions each in a wired cage for their entire lives. Which most are short... They beg for money from the students because they don't have enough money for food for the animals, but yet they just bought 2 alpacas. There are several goats that are incredibly skinny you can see there bones. And the rabbit named rosy in the classrooms makes the loudest breathing sounds it's sad. She can hardly breathe anymore. The sheep are attacked daily by the goats and hit with their horns until they fall to the ground. Another goat recently ran into a nail and its leg was completely torn up because it was stuck. I also don't believe it's legal to have THAT MANY animals on a school campus. And if it is, it shouldn't be. They clearly don't have money for them; or at least say they don't and beg students that are in the Animal Science class to give them "monthly" fees for the animals. When we were placed in the class. These animals deserve much better care and place to live. One of there ducks used to be bright white with a little ball of feathers on its head in the beginning of the year, now it's almost urine color, with its wings looked like it was cut horribly and we found a hole in its chest, most likely from a nail or something.. These animals deserve so much better.. I wanted to adopt a young rabbit from the Farm, but they told me I had to buy it for 25$. So I denied it and now hes staying there. But from what I've heard; a friend of mine is planning on stealing him because no one is around watching how students treat some of the animals.
If nothing happens to help these animals; at least try to get the classroom pet "rosie" she is so sick and needs vet care incredibly bad.
The picture I am attaching is of her. She's a lop dwarf. Thank you.

EDIT: I apologize the photo is upside down? Unsure why.. I'll try re-uploading it but its normal, for some reason its flipped on this website.

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That rabbit appears to have an upper respiratory infection, sometimes called snuffles, commonly caused by the pasteurella bacteria, but also other bacteria can cause it. It can be fatal if left untreated as the bacteria can spread. This rabbit needs veterinary care immediately, and needs to be put on antibiotics. Please send your letter to the spca, animal control, or whoever deals with animal abuse in your city. Include in that letter that this rabbit has snuffles, possibly caused by the pasteurella bacteria, and needs to be receiving antibiotics for it before it proves fatal. FYI: It is highly contagious to other rabbits!
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Oh this so horrific. In a high school one would expect that a teenager would be taught responsibility towards animals. It is true, however, that "farm" animals are generally mistreated everywhere and I am thinking that it is going to be another century before folks realize that ALL animals fee pain and need proper care and attention.
Would you be able to take this poor bunny home with you? She sounds like she has a lower respiratory infection and could be treated with antibiotics. She needs to be seen by a vet and I doubt that she could get well in the setting that you described. Could you give her a caring home for the first time in her life? Some love , proper food and a place to run.?

I think that you wrote a fine letter to the authorities . Could you mobilize any of your fellow students to band together and protest the care of these animals ( also fellow students could care for them). Notify a TV/radio station and try to find any animal rescue groups to take on this story.

Would not hurt to notify other teachers who may not know the whole situation also.
Thanks you so much for caring !
So sorry to hear that. Looks like Rosie has some sort of respiratory infection and definitely needs to see a vet immediately. Sounds like quite a few of the other animals do too. I commend you for standing up for these animals. Unless you're making it anonymous, make sure you give them your contact details so they can respond and you can send them updates, possibly more photos of the injured animals etc.
She does look like a sick rabbit. It is usually illegal to deny medical treatment to an animal, so the SPCA may be able to seize her and provide treatment as needed (they might also end up euthanizing her if it is really bad). The only animals also sound in rough shape and in need of vet care. Hopefully the SPCA will do something, even getting on the tail of the owners of the animals can help people clean up their act.

It really is too bad that the school doesn't care. Any school should be focused on teaching the students proper care regardless of the purpose of the animals or the course the student are taking. Allowing the animals to be in poor condition just teaches that they are not worth anything and they don't require much care. Both the animals and the students loose.

It is good that you care and are trying to help out the animals.
If this is North Hollywood in Los Angeles, I'd definitely get in touch with Animal Control. I volunteered with LA Animal Services in East Valley (at their Van Nuys / North Hollywood locations) in high school and what you're describing sounds like the sort of thing that should be checked out.
Thank you so much for the responses; and yes it's north hollywood in LA; I'm a junior and I go to the LA ZOO Magnet but it's corresponded to North hollywood high; I gave the SPCA all my information and I contacted anyone who works with animal cruelty. I have a rabbit of my own and she's about 8 months old; she's a netherland dwarf rabbit and I love her to death.. I try my best to encourage friends but they think the animals are too "cute" and such; which i agree, but they fear of them being taken away, which I do too but it's for the best. But I have people on my side that have been trying to let the school know but I'm sure most people should know that live in LA the LAUSD School district and faculties in the schools aren't very.. er.. bright?
As long as they aren't being sued for something, they'll hardly do anything to any other matter..
But I'm trying my absolute hardest and also, as an introduction, my name is Lea and I am a proud bunny owner ^^ :anotherbun
Also I would take this rabbit home with me; problem is the teacher is super stubborn and thinks her care for all the animals is "amazing". Really the only way to get her would be too steal her. =____=
Get the media involved. That's how animal circuses were banned in my city.

People will watch the news or whoever covers the story and people will respond. Just watch.

What a sin, those animals need to be removed.
If you've been in contact with the SPCA and they end up taking action, I would let them know that you're interested in taking in the rabbit. I'm not sure how it all works, but I can't see why they wouldn't be willing to help you so that you get to keep her in the end, after all, you're the person that cared enough to call the cruelty in. Only thing would be to make sure she's 100% healthy before bringing her home, otherwise you risk infecting your current rabbit (who is very cute by the way).
Thank you everyone for all the support; I would glady take her home; but out of all the rabbits she has on campus (20+) I feel like she would fight mostf or that one. Since the teachers name is rose and she named it rosie...... I contacted ASPCA and filed a report and still waiting for an answer back; I have a question, does anyone know anything of PETA? i know they do animal cruelty, but I don't know too much about them, should I contact them too?
You could contact PETA, however I think you would be better served by following the suggestion someone else made and contact the media.
I work for a school and nothing gets their attention faster than media attention and having a bunch of parents call in and complain. Maybe you could even start a petition among the students demanding better care or a "bill of rights" for the animals. It seems to me that the only thing this "class" is teaching is animal neglect/abuse.
So the media.... Where can I report that? Preferably online, can someone help me find somewhere I can report it online? Or an email or something for reports. I live in Los angeles
PETA does in fact euthanize most of the animals they rescue, so I wouldn't recommend them. They're probably not good to have on your side regardless, because most people think they're crazy.

I've never heard of a high school having so many animals. I hope someone frees and takes care of those poor animals. It's great that you're stepping up and doing something about it.
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I am so sorry for this situation and I hope it can be resolved. PETA is an organization that if they have their own way, no person shall ever acquire or possess any animal for any reason whatsoever. They would rather see them dead. They are not who people think they are.

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