Well-Known Member
Okay to be honest when we got Lucy last February she was intended to by in my daughters room, that didn't work out so now she is in the livingroom. We have a livingroom and a family room, the family room is where the dogs are allowed, tv is located etc. THe livingroom is SUPPOSE to be a formal room, haha it is so far from that. Anyway this room is easily bloked off so that is where Lucy lives, it is also the room where our fireplace is so that is where we have always put our tree but now I am wondering how we are going to do it with Lucy having pretty much full run of the room. We have an artifical tree, so are the light cords the only thing that we need to worry about? I would put ornaments towards the bottom that she couldn't hurt and that wouldn't hurt her if she got them.
I would love to hear about all of your Christmas experiences.
I would love to hear about all of your Christmas experiences.