Christmas Trees

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
Okay to be honest when we got Lucy last February she was intended to by in my daughters room, that didn't work out so now she is in the livingroom. We have a livingroom and a family room, the family room is where the dogs are allowed, tv is located etc. THe livingroom is SUPPOSE to be a formal room, haha it is so far from that. Anyway this room is easily bloked off so that is where Lucy lives, it is also the room where our fireplace is so that is where we have always put our tree but now I am wondering how we are going to do it with Lucy having pretty much full run of the room. We have an artifical tree, so are the light cords the only thing that we need to worry about? I would put ornaments towards the bottom that she couldn't hurt and that wouldn't hurt her if she got them.

I would love to hear about all of your Christmas experiences.


i put m y tree on a table.... not because of the rabbits... but becaus my dogs loive to open presents... you could try to make a fence out of nic panels
I've hung them from the ceiling before. (when I had cats)

Not just the cord....the whole tree!

You could also put a NIC or x-pen barrier around the tree.....and decorate it!
I usually put an NIC pen around it when the bunnies are out. I just use one thats one panel high and they ignore it.

Either than or just dont put too many ornaments down low and dont put the presents under there until the night before.
I run all the cords together and just pull up the end when the rabbits are out. I can't put presents out until Christmas Eve, because they like to open them.

Snuggy loves the skirt:


That's what I do.... just block off the cords or pull them up.

Bo loves the tree and doesn't really bother it at all. He looks but that's it.

I've heard of people putting the tree inside a playpen but it would be just as easy to put up a NIC gate or Xpen around it.
I put mine on a table not just for the lights but I had one rabbit, Simon, who would not stop eating theartifical needles off the artifical tree.(Would help if I could spell).
:?I only had Wiggles last Christmas. *Looks at the 4 other bunnies and the kitten in the house* This is going to be interesting... :?*Looks at kitten* Oh gawd, my villaaaaaaaaaaaage! The brat will destroy it! :shock:Lol.
I put up an NIC pen. It keeps the dogs and bunnies from eating the presents and tree. I basically have it up year round around the TV and such. I just rearrange thing do it all fits.
We don't put lights on the very bottom (or ornaments) and all cords that are in bunny reach are covered by the cord protectors so they can't be chewed. Also, for anyone getting a real tree, we always make sure to get one that is bunny edible, that way I don't really have to block my tree off.

Pine and Spruce are both edible as far as I can remember.


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