Chompers, Abby and Valuran Pictures

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It really is. I love the black and white tile floor effect that Sandhills put in.


Hi Steph!

Hope all is well with you and yours. Any more pictures?

I haven't taken any photos of the buns recently,but this one I had to get of Abby and Chompers, they just were so cute.It didn't come out that well, but she's laying on top of him and I justthought it was cute.

What babes! Chompers is such a good sport to allow her to lay on him like that.

Oh my! They are gorgeous. I haven't seenthem all before. They look so sweet all together. I hope you will beable to add more pictures soon. I know I'm hooked and anxiouslywaiting.

Every girl needs a good pillow lol. That is just way too cute.

Just wanted to say that Twitch looks just likeAbby. He has excellent control of his ears too and waves them allaround with expression. Too cute.

Not sure, adopted from the local Humane society.They said they thought Dwarf and Holland ... but he has relativelylarge ears and doesn't have a wide/round head like a lop.

But, black coat with some very faint brown hilights and gray under eachfoot. Nearly black brown eyes, and a small flat tail. And nothing of adewlap to speak of.

I've been trying to figure out what kind of mix... I don't think he has Rex in him, but I could be wrong.

I'll get a pic up soon... my camera is MIA at the moment.
It's hard to tell with mixes if they didn't knowfor sure. We got Abby from a small, locally owned pet store in a smalltown. A good store, if she has kittens/puppies there, sheactually takes them home at night to care for them instead of leavingthem there. Anyway, Abby was from her store and from an accidentalbreeding with some younger girls who thought it was "cute" how theirtwo rabbits were playing.

Once you get pics up, maybe we can help figure out what breeds he's from.
Kind of ironic too, since this was Twitch's neighbor...



Sorta looks like Chomps...cute faces. He's still up for adoption... can't bring them all home.

ok... I'll stop taking over your thread Stephanie!!

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