Chompers, Abby and Valuran Pictures

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Nope, no job. I'm their watchdog. :p

Remember, I'm an American immigrating up here and those pesky immigation laws get in the way of me working.

Of course, hopefully Dave gets that job he's applying for in CT......
Aw...well...I can wait until you get a job :p

Or...I can distract you...yes...I'll bring Samson with me, and let himloose, and you'll be so distracted with his cuteness you'll have to pethim, and when you do, I'll take your buns! :p

Then...I'd have to figure out some way to get my little Sammy back :p
You can findinformation on picture posting by doing a search in the search bar onposting pictures. There are several informative threads that giveinstructions on how to post them within a thread. After you havefigured out how to do that, there is a folder at the top of the forumlist that is used for photo posting. Some of the frequent members havetheir own "bunny family" thread full of photos (which is what this oneis).

Hope that helped! :)

god they are all geourgeous

whats your secret on their coats they have buetiful fur

so shiney and glossy

varna xxxx
Delia - The brown rabbit is Chompers and he'sabout 3 - 3 1/2 years old now. I don't know his exact age, as he was arescue bunny.

Rabbitluvr - Abby (the black bunny), is half Mini Rex and half MiniLop. She has great control over her ears, they go all over the placedepending on her mood or what she's doing.

Raspberry - Thanks, I love that picture of Abby giving me kisses. :) She is my little girl, that's for sure.

Varna - I just try to groom them on a regular basis and give them awell balanced diet. Thanks for thecompliment, they all havevery different fur and it's fun to pet each one.

This really looks like Winston, NightPoet's baby. You surethat'sAbby???

I know! I've always thought the same time. There is another black bunny on the board here, but I can't remember.....

I just have such a soft spot for the "mutts" and black bunnies. :p
Abby sure does love herMom.

I have to agree with Raspberry. It's really sweet to see her kissing you like that.

bunsforlife wrote:
A job in CT eh...

::whispers to Carolyn:: Do you think she'd notice if I stole one of her buns and snuck Gir into her place?

I'm all over it, Bunsforlife. She told me about it the otherday on the phone and I'm really trying hard not to think about it so asnot to get too pumped up.

* * * * * *


How are you feeling today? I hope you're better.Whenever I get sick, Tucks pretends to be sick too. He's sucha little buddy. Won't let me go through anythingalone. Any of your little ones like that?

Chompers is being helpful, when I walk by thecage he lifts his head up and look at me as if to say "Pet me Mommy!"Last night I was in bed at 7, so didn't do my nightly ritual with Abby.

I was wondering, do you think that animals can smell sickness on us?
I've heard of dogs that can smell cancerous tumors. It wouldn't surprise me, Stephanie.


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