Oh no, I am so sorry. The story of you saving him before was very good to hear. What happened?
TBH I think the best solution to prevent bunnies from scarfing down their pellets and perhaps getting them stuck is to feed them slowly and make sure they have hay at all times. That way they won't be so starving as to just inhale the pellets, and if there's a bigger bowl there they will be more likely to chew. I would even try putting out a bowl with twice as much as you plan to give, and then coming back 15 min later and removing it, measuring how much they ate, and repeating in the next days to figure out how long it takes them to eat the amount of pellets that you want them to eat. Then you can give them a big bowl for that period of time, and then take it away, instead of putting down the whole ration at once which can make them too excited and they inhale them without chewing, leading to choking. This is just a theory though.