Choking Bunny!!! HELP

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kirbyultra wrote:
Glad he is looking alright. He's ok because of your quick thinking!

Nope never heard of Burgess either, Jen!

That is sooo strange! We have oxbow here so I can't believe you don't have Burgess there.

The top UK veterinary recommended pellet is Burgess Excel, and the only one mentioned in this website as a top feed.

I don't know why, though, because I reckon Oxbow is better. Excel has about a 10% lower fibre content and a slightly higher protein content- about 4% than Oxbow.....

R.I.P Spider-Man and Dot (Mare Horse) On Thursday September,26th, 2010

You will be missed! :pray::pray:
Oh no, I am so sorry. The story of you saving him before was very good to hear. What happened?

TBH I think the best solution to prevent bunnies from scarfing down their pellets and perhaps getting them stuck is to feed them slowly and make sure they have hay at all times. That way they won't be so starving as to just inhale the pellets, and if there's a bigger bowl there they will be more likely to chew. I would even try putting out a bowl with twice as much as you plan to give, and then coming back 15 min later and removing it, measuring how much they ate, and repeating in the next days to figure out how long it takes them to eat the amount of pellets that you want them to eat. Then you can give them a big bowl for that period of time, and then take it away, instead of putting down the whole ration at once which can make them too excited and they inhale them without chewing, leading to choking. This is just a theory though.
Spider-Man choked on hes pellets again. Me and my aunt Becky were both feeding all the rabbits and I heard Spider-man coughing and sneezing. So I ran to hes cage and I knew he did it again. The first time it happen couple months ago, But this time I saved hes life. I tried to put my finger down hes throat. He died 10 minutes after I ran in the house with him. He was trying to get air and couldnt. I was too late. He was gone so fast.

The Black Mare died about the time Spider-Man died. My aunt was over my house helping me. After we were done and went to her house.. We went into the barn to help her with her rabbits and horses. We went to were the horses to feed them and ...we couldnt find the Black Mare. So Becky went looking. And she found her dead in a section of the barn. The baby of the mother went looking for her mother. Started sniffing her and trying to get her up and trying to drink milk. The mare was all bloody.. She was beating her self up.. We found out that the mare ripped her uterus and she was suffering. She had sympothes of colic but it wasnt. She was hurting and trying to get rid of by hurting her self. She left a month old baby filly.. But lucky we found other mare to take care of the baby.
Dutch's are well known to over eat and get over weight like he was over weight. He would scarf hes food so fast and forgot to chew like some other animals do. They werent starving to death. My aunt thinks that it went down the wrong way, maybe that's why he died so quick and so soon.
I was trying to cut hes feed down and giving him just a little bit at a time so he wouldnt scarf it down so fast. He would get hay and grass daily. Get hes daily exercise in the pen to eat (He was my son's rabbit as he named him, and even helped feeding him).
I'm sooo sorry about Spidy :( That's incredibly sad, poor guy. You tried your best to save him. Now I'm very paranoid about my bunnies and pellets, they're such little pigs- Ned has started to choke several times, but always cleared his airway within a second or so. Long enough for me to run to him in a panic, but he's always fine very quickly and doesn't even slow down eating. I think I need to get one of those nasal aspirator things.

Does anyone know the exact way to do the bunny swing thing? I read the descriptions but am having a hard time visualizing it.

Misty, again, I'm so sorry about Spidy :(
Thanks Shiloh,
It is very hard that we lost him. I am the same way about my other bunnies. I am very scared about feeding them the pellets. My aunt seen it happen and couldnt believe how fast they eat and start to choke on it and then die right away, just like the horse of her's that died on the same day. We cant believe how fast they can go so suddenly.. We miss him dearly, He was our first rabbit when we started this rabbitry. We just couldnt get the pellet to clear this time.. I tried everything in my power to help him.

I had to tell my 4 year old son that hes rabbit died. And told him about the horse also. He took it easier then i thought. We showed him the animals getting buried and told him where they are going. I really think that going to church helps them realize where they go when they die.

R.I.P Spidy and Dot!:pray::rainbow::rip::bunnyangel2::angelandbunny:
*hugs* I'm so sorry. I've never had a choking rabbit before, but a couple of my rat-boys have; I know how scary it is. You did the best thing possible for him; if your anything like me(hopefully your not), you'll be blaming yourself, but you don't have to. You did the best you possibly could.

r.i.p. Spider-man and Dot.
Poor Spider Man :( Today I bought a nasal aspirator and put it on a shelf in a very obvious spot and made sure my husband knows where it is so we can grab it right away if we ever need to! I hope we won't need it!
Well, I do blame myself for it. I know I did the best I can to try and save him. It wasnt the day for him to live anymore. I do miss him dearly. But yes its better to have the stuff on hand to save a bunnies life and then to be sorry.

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