Chest piece bunny tattoo!

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
I had my tattoo appointment last night to get my chest piece colored in. We were going to color in everything but the bunnies, but it was getting late and I was annoyed by the pain :p.

I have my next session on March 7th, which will finish the chest piece! Tony, my tattoo artist, wants to do a head portrait of Morgan as the center piece of the chest piece. He is pretty much doing the Morgan portrait for free :D. It is going to be awesome and Tony is sooo good with pin up girls and I know he will capture the "story" in Morgan's eyes.

The next session is going to be intense....I'll be sitting in the chair for many hours *blah!*. Tony said he would order me in some medical grade numbing spray, so that I don't get annoyed with the pain. Anyone who has a tattoo, knows just how annoying it is to sit there and not be able to get away from the pain, lol!





So, Tony said that the bunnies don't need to be the same color, but they could be if I wanted them to be. I wanted them to be brown (err, tort, really). What do you guys think? Should I do the bunnies different colors? If so, what colored bunnies do you think would compliment the rose colors? Obviously, Morgan will be the color he is (light tan-ish).

I don't think straight back or white bunnies will look good, I know that. I was thinking a broken patterned bunny (not sure what color) and maybe a straight up Lilac bunny?
Wow, I thought just the outline looked great; however, the color is AMAZING! I think it's the best tat I've ever seen!!

I like the idea of having one bunny be a broken...maybe a broken tort? However, I am partial to symmetry. Hm, I think whatever you do will look awesome!

Kathy :)
I think it's beautiful but I just can't understand people doing those. I would feel like scrubbing it off all the time LOL!

Everyone I know that has had a large tat on their body has regretted it later in life.....

but..... whatever floats ya boat! Like I said, It's really pretty....... I dont' think I'd put anything where you couldn't wear a lowcut shirt without it being seen. Even people in resturants here have to put bandaids or something over small ones if they are visible.
Thanks, Kathy :)! I am all about symmetry, too, so I am not sure if I can have two different colored bunnies. I have a bit over a month to think about it, though.

Bo...I have wanted a chest piece for 6 years, so I am glad I finally have one! They are rabbits, so I don't think I will regret it. I think my personality will remain the same...I don't plan on turning into a girly girl or a "soccer mom" type any time soon :p. At my current job, I can have tattoo's/piercings showing, since I don't work with the public....and if every thing goes well with moving to Madison, WI....then tattoo's will be no issue, either, with a job.

I am glad, though, that if I need to cover it up, then it can be easily done :cool:. This isn't my last tattoo, though, for sure. I plan to get my next one on my under fore-arm for my Zaide (our kitten who passed). I have this favorite picture of him that I want tattoo'ed on me...with roses around him, kind of like the bunnies. I know for sure I will not regret my precious Zaidie tattoo :D.

On the other hand, I'm only alive in this body once! Ask me again if I regret the tattoo's when I am old and wrinkly...hahahhahaha.

That's what I was thinking! Old Wrinkly Rabbits! :lol:

I think I like the two sides without something in the midst....... honestly. I just really wonder if he could do Morgan's head without 1. making him look like a big cricket or something or 2. Facing one way? That would drive me nuts....

BUNNYL Bunny L Bunny R???

Wow! Your tattoo is SO beautiful!!

I used to be really into dragonflies. I got a dragonfly tattoo on my lower back, about 8 years ago. I'm not that into dragonflies anymore, and I sort of wish I had something different. (It's not huge, but large enough it would be difficult to cover up.) But...It's on my lower back, and most of the time I don't even remember it's there.

Seeing your tattoo progress has made me start thinking I need a rabbit tattoo.
(I"m pretty sure I won't ever get tired of rabbits!)
I have to agree that your tat is beautiful as it is. Trying to fit something in the middle might "clutter" what you have. The color and artistry is beautiful! Tony is a very talented guy. I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be beautiful as well.
Tony is AMAZING at portraits. I mean, so amazing! By doing Morgan's portrait it will be a full chest piece. A lot of chest pieces are completely full. I have now doubts that Tony won't be able to make Morgan look amazing.

Morgan's head shot will be front-on. I have to take multiple pictures of him to try to get the perfect shot that will fit in well with the piece.

ETA: I don't think it will be cluttered. Tony definitely knows what he is doing and knows what will look best. I just tell him the basics of what I want and he creates it. Besides, having my *heart* Snoogie bunny tattoo'ed so close to my heart makes sense :p.
Holy cats, woman! That is absolutely incredible!
I would never have the guts to get a tattoo... something about pain:shock:.
That looks absolutely marvelous, though...

I'm on board with the colour symmetry deal.

Dunno about Morgan in the middle... I guess I'm wondering where your future bunnies will be going? (Nothing personal, Morgan! I think you're just wonderful)
Maybe plan the middle so that a series of portraits can go there? Like, get an outline for how you would fit, say 6, rabbits in the center attractively...

You could leave it as-is, and it would still look fantastic...
Can your artist make the fur look like fur when coloured in? That might determine highlights of colour on the coats...

*(I wanna see more tats now!)
I like the idea of small portraits, but I will not be in Arizona for Tony to keep adding to my chest piece. Having another tattoo artist work on someone else's work isn't something you do, really, either. Snoogie is my heart bunny, so I definitely do not mind him being included. It is hard to envision his portrait there without it looking cluttered or just plain weird, but I do think it will look really great once it is all will be all tied together nicely. You will also be able to see detail. Basically, Tony's work is like looking at the exact picture he tattoo'ed from...he's amazing.

I have a lot of "blank canvas" on my body for more tattoos. I look at this chest piece as a symbol of my love for all bunnies. I am also doing a piece for rats some where on my body after my Zaide tattoo, as a symbol for my love of rats (past and present).

I think it will be impossible (and expensive) to have portaits or something done for every past and present animal that I will ever have, so I have to just do pieces as a symbol of my love for them.

ETA: Here is just a picture of me, so you can see the size and stuff of the piece. I don't think they are over powering, at least not in person. Just pictures of the tattoo's makes them look pretty massive, but once my head is in the picture, you can get a feel for the size.


NorthernAutumn wrote:
Well, there's always the Greyhound if you feel like it:D... Bet Tony wouldn't mind a bit:)
Once I leave AZ....I am rarely ever coming back :biggrin2:!

I could always do little head portraits of past/present bunnies later on as a back piece or something. I've got lots of bare skin, lol!

Of course, throughout my life, I'd probably run out of skin if I was to tattoo every pet on me, hahaha! I can just picture myself old and wrinkly with cats all over my back.
Well, I'd rather see an old wrinkly tattoo lady than some old crazy woman with 200 cats in her house. ;) Well, I don't really want to see an old wrinkly tattoo lady - I'd just rather hear about that than the 200 cat lady! ;)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Well, I'd rather see an old wrinkly tattoo lady than some old crazy woman with 200 cats in her house. ;) Well, I don't really want to see an old wrinkly tattoo lady - I'd just rather hear about that than the 200 cat lady! ;)
Well, for older generations now, it is not "normal" to see people covered in tattoo's. Ryan's sister is 25 and is totally covered, but I don't know anyone else around her age like that.

So, for my generation, being old with wrinkly ink will be so normal :p. I won't be the only one, lol!
That's true! Just getting your ears pierced was a big deal when I was a kid.... now it's like NORMAL!

Same with just wearing slacks. Seriously - when I first started grade school, we weren't allowed to wear pants at all unless it was really cold and we had on pants under our skirt/dress. That ended in third grade I Think...... jeans were poor kids' clothes! :shock:
When my neice graduated from high school she got a fairy tattooed on her lower abdomen. We teased her about what that poor fairy would look like after has a baby.
Your tattoo is beautiful, it really is. It suits you too :). It screams "AAMMMYYYY!"

Tattoos seem totally normal to me, growing up in a family where my dad was heavily into motorbikes, as well as all his friends. My dad has many many tattoos related to his biker stuff and his life experiences.

One of his mates, Murray, later was in a relationship with my mum for 7 years, he's covered in tatts. He's got all those typical ones with "LOVE" on the knuckles of one hand and "HATE on the other bla bla bla.

Mat hates tattoos with a passion so he sais I'm not allowed one, but I will get one eventually.

If anyone thinks Amy's tattoo is odd, my friend James has one of his car on his arm :p.

Around here it's more common for the older generation to have tatts than the younger. It was a shock when James showed up with his car on his arm!

Your tattoo artist does incredible work! As for the bunnies, I agree with the others, symmetry I think would be best. That way once you add Morgan to the middle you won't have 3 different color bunnies so close to each other. I can't wait to see it once it's finished!! I love tattoos, but I don't have any...too chicken :?. Have a great idea for one though, maybe one day I'll get the nerve.
Your tat is pretty amazing. I've been thinking about getting one for years then I could never figure out what I would want. I would really want Flash and Soph on my ankle but only if Kat Von D. will do it. :biggrin2:

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