Our chat discussions will be held attwotimes on each day. The first will be at 3:00 p.m. EasternStandard Time and the second will be held at 9:00 p.m. EasternStandard Time.
You can do a search in your time zone to see how it correlates toEastern Standard Time in the United States. (Thanks to Arielfor providing a link to make it easy for you.)
February 28, 2005: Immunity Boosting
March 2, 2005: Breeding - Questions and Helpful Hints
March 4, 2005: Your Rabbit and Parasites: How to Prevent Problems
You can do a search in your time zone to see how it correlates toEastern Standard Time in the United States. (Thanks to Arielfor providing a link to make it easy for you.)
February 28, 2005: Immunity Boosting
March 2, 2005: Breeding - Questions and Helpful Hints
March 4, 2005: Your Rabbit and Parasites: How to Prevent Problems