Chat Discussion Schedule for 2/28/05 and 3/2/05 and 3/4/05

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Our chat discussions will be held attwotimes on each day. The first will be at 3:00 p.m. EasternStandard Time and the second will be held at 9:00 p.m. EasternStandard Time.

You can do a search in your time zone to see how it correlates toEastern Standard Time in the United States. (Thanks to Arielfor providing a link to make it easy for you.)

February 28, 2005: Immunity Boosting

March 2, 2005: Breeding - Questions and Helpful Hints

March 4, 2005: Your Rabbit and Parasites: How to Prevent Problems


Will do my best to be there!!

I got a lot out of the last chat and I look forward to joining in again :):):):)

I've double checked the time etc and I'll do the same as last time ,get up early organise myself and then share breakfast with you guys :):)

I'll be at the 3pm one as when the 9pm one is on I will be at work still.


No dramas Becc, the 3pm chat is at 7am our time (NSW time) and the 9pm one is at 1pm in the arvie for us.

With the link you put in the time you want in 24hr time, and scrolldown to U.S. Eastern time(box on left hand side) and then scroll in thenext box(rigt hand side) with Australia and make sure the little boxwith "use current time" has no tick in it, if it does just click on itand take the tick away.

If you want you can put the date as the date the chat is for in etc and then click convert after you have done the time etc andwallah you are done :):):):)

If you get stuck send me a private message and I'll get you on icq oryahoo or something and add you to my list and we can do it together atthe same time, (be on same page etc and I'll take you through step bystep, it's easy when you figure it out ):D:D
becc_boland wrote:
okay thanks. So whens the next chat? im hoping today coz i haveno school! And the internet all day till my mum getz back :p that wontbe till late!

7am in the morning for us becc :):):)

When I joined the last one I got up at 5am and did everything Inormally do in the morning and then sat and had breakfast with everyonewhilst chatting and left for work straight after :):):):) Was fun!!! Ienjoyed it
So I think the 3pm time and the 9pm time is 8pm and 2am GMT. Am I right? Just want to make sure I'm there for the 3pm one.


*EDIT* Sorry just seen the timezone calculator you posted Carolyn.

For those in UK, chat tonight is at 8pm and 2am. I'll do my best to beat the 8pm one. 8pm is bath time for the girls but i'll see what I cando!

I hope to get in tonight. I've gotta study some more for a test tomorrow and feed rabbits yet. ;)

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