Well-Known Member
I posted this in another forum, so I'll just copy and paste it and see what you guys think I should do:
1st post:
The title pretty much says it all.. I'm worried sick, and this istotally wrecking my Spring Break. I went to Chicago on Saturday and wegot home Tuesday night. I left my dad bunny directions and he followedthem pretty well, except he gave them WAY too many oats. Even though Isaid a sprinkle a day, I guess he took that as a palm full. Anyway,William is fine.. he only eats until he's full, but Charlie gorges andwill eat anything put into his food dish. I'm SO incredibly worriedabout him. So far, he's still eating.. but he's not as excited aboutfood as he usually is. I gave him 3 wet leaves of romaine yesterday andit took him all day to eat them, usually it takes 5 minutes. He ate ahandful of hay lastnight while I was sleeping, and he did eat somepellets yesterday. Should I stop the pellets or should I let him eatanything he'll eat at this point? He will eat a cranberry if I give himone, and from yesterday to today, he's eaten 4 papaya tablets verywillingly. I wouldn't be worried, because his appetite is okay.. buthis poops are few and far between. The poops that are coming out, arehalf of what they usually are and I don't know what else to do. ShouldI go get some fresh pineapple juice and canned pumpkin?? Please sendgood vibes towards Charlie.
2nd post:
Thanks guys.. I've been a worried wreck all day. I thought I'd come onhere and give you all an update. I ran to the store and boughteverything I possibly could. I got Kale, Parsley, Green Leafed Lettuce,organic baby applesauce, canned pumpkin, canned pineapple juice (notfrom concentrate), and I looked at the unflavored Pedialyte, but all itis, is water with other junk in it and I'd be better off just syringinghim water. So far, he nibbled the pumpkin, just to taste it and leftit. He hates the pineapple juice and I don't want to force it, but thatwill stress the both of us out. He's not drinking as much water asusual, but he is drinking. I soaked his kale, parsley, and lettuce inwater and he ate the parsley like I had been starving him. I did takeaway the pellets because on one of the websites I read on stasis, itsaid to feed nothing but veggies and hay until you see big, healthypoops. If you think I should give him his pellets, let me know. My dadis really concerned and I don't want to say, "it's because you fed himtoo many oats!!" because then he'll just feel horrible and I don't wantto do that to him.. I'll just make sure the next time we go to Chicago,there's no oats in the house. So, if things are going in, they mustcome out sooner or later, I'm just super relieved he's still interestedin food somewhat.. he left some romaine from this morning and he neverdoes that, but he devoured the wet parsley and nibbled on the kale. So,everybody keep your fingers crossed for some nice, big, healthy rabbitpoop in that litterbox SOON!
3rd post:
well guys, no normal poops yet.. it's been all day! he ate some hay, heate a lot of his kale.. he is eating, it's just taking him longer thanusual. i was petting him about a half hour ago and i heard his tummygurgling, is this is a good or bad sign? he ate a whole spoonful ofcanned pumpkin, how much of that should i let him eat? i have a feelingif i gave him more, he'd eat it. i never knew his love of food wouldcome in so handy. he did have one poop about an hour ago and it lookedlike a clump of cecos.. i think he's improving, it just might takeawhile.. he's not really drinking, but he's eating a lot of wetveggies, so i think that may be why. let me know if there's anythingelse i should be doing.. i'm not going to lose this boy to somethinglike stasis after all he's been through.
should i give him more pumpkin? thanks for any input, i've been sostressed all day, this is driving me nuts.. i can't lose him to stasis.
1st post:
The title pretty much says it all.. I'm worried sick, and this istotally wrecking my Spring Break. I went to Chicago on Saturday and wegot home Tuesday night. I left my dad bunny directions and he followedthem pretty well, except he gave them WAY too many oats. Even though Isaid a sprinkle a day, I guess he took that as a palm full. Anyway,William is fine.. he only eats until he's full, but Charlie gorges andwill eat anything put into his food dish. I'm SO incredibly worriedabout him. So far, he's still eating.. but he's not as excited aboutfood as he usually is. I gave him 3 wet leaves of romaine yesterday andit took him all day to eat them, usually it takes 5 minutes. He ate ahandful of hay lastnight while I was sleeping, and he did eat somepellets yesterday. Should I stop the pellets or should I let him eatanything he'll eat at this point? He will eat a cranberry if I give himone, and from yesterday to today, he's eaten 4 papaya tablets verywillingly. I wouldn't be worried, because his appetite is okay.. buthis poops are few and far between. The poops that are coming out, arehalf of what they usually are and I don't know what else to do. ShouldI go get some fresh pineapple juice and canned pumpkin?? Please sendgood vibes towards Charlie.
2nd post:
Thanks guys.. I've been a worried wreck all day. I thought I'd come onhere and give you all an update. I ran to the store and boughteverything I possibly could. I got Kale, Parsley, Green Leafed Lettuce,organic baby applesauce, canned pumpkin, canned pineapple juice (notfrom concentrate), and I looked at the unflavored Pedialyte, but all itis, is water with other junk in it and I'd be better off just syringinghim water. So far, he nibbled the pumpkin, just to taste it and leftit. He hates the pineapple juice and I don't want to force it, but thatwill stress the both of us out. He's not drinking as much water asusual, but he is drinking. I soaked his kale, parsley, and lettuce inwater and he ate the parsley like I had been starving him. I did takeaway the pellets because on one of the websites I read on stasis, itsaid to feed nothing but veggies and hay until you see big, healthypoops. If you think I should give him his pellets, let me know. My dadis really concerned and I don't want to say, "it's because you fed himtoo many oats!!" because then he'll just feel horrible and I don't wantto do that to him.. I'll just make sure the next time we go to Chicago,there's no oats in the house. So, if things are going in, they mustcome out sooner or later, I'm just super relieved he's still interestedin food somewhat.. he left some romaine from this morning and he neverdoes that, but he devoured the wet parsley and nibbled on the kale. So,everybody keep your fingers crossed for some nice, big, healthy rabbitpoop in that litterbox SOON!
3rd post:
well guys, no normal poops yet.. it's been all day! he ate some hay, heate a lot of his kale.. he is eating, it's just taking him longer thanusual. i was petting him about a half hour ago and i heard his tummygurgling, is this is a good or bad sign? he ate a whole spoonful ofcanned pumpkin, how much of that should i let him eat? i have a feelingif i gave him more, he'd eat it. i never knew his love of food wouldcome in so handy. he did have one poop about an hour ago and it lookedlike a clump of cecos.. i think he's improving, it just might takeawhile.. he's not really drinking, but he's eating a lot of wetveggies, so i think that may be why. let me know if there's anythingelse i should be doing.. i'm not going to lose this boy to somethinglike stasis after all he's been through.
should i give him more pumpkin? thanks for any input, i've been sostressed all day, this is driving me nuts.. i can't lose him to stasis.