:yeahthat:Oh and don't quote me on it but I'm reasonably sure that Metronidazole is available over here.
Where did you get yours from? I used http://www.americansoda.co.uk/ - there were one or 2 others but that seemed to be the cheapest.^I ordered something similar, from a site, but had no idea if it was the right stuff, the unsweetened stuff. I hope you find out though, and that it is of use to you in the future.
I have used fresh mint to calm upset stomachs....never used it with drugs. It's amazing how some herbs or foods affect the absorbing of drugs. If I remember correctly, pineapple juice will actually defeat the antibiotics. Weird stuff but something to consider when there is a serious problem. And some of them may not impact the drugs but there isn't much study in a clinical setting to determine the results of interactions. I prefer to err on the side of caution and not take a chance on any herbal or holistic treatments to interfere with conventional medicine. Not flaming any of the holistic treatments as I have seen many of them do some surprising things....but the times I have used them, it has not been in conjunction with "western" medicine. There is a vet in Raleigh, NC that has an entire program dedicated to holistic medicine.
For US members, it is the Libby's brand, the 100% pure pumpkin cans, right? I know it has to be the pure stuff with no added ingredients but just wanted to check.
It seems like horses and bunnies have similar digestive tracts...
Glad to hear Chalk is doing better. Does she like the pumpkin?When Shades wasn't eating I would soak some pellets and mix it with the pumpkin. She loved it than eating straight pumpkin. Baci, on the other hand will not touch it.Glad to hear Chalk is on the mend - I cannot imagine going through this... I lost one of my Hollands years back from stasis - if I had only known about RO back then...