I have kept my cottontails alive since day 4... they’re day 20 and thriving. However, I’m terrified to make the switch to solids as I absolutely cannot get them to eat cecotropes. Mind you, I can’t get them instant fresh. Usually several hours old being I get them from someone out of town. I can’t find anyone closer.
So my question is exactly that of the OP. What is the best substitute??? They’ve been getting probiotics and bovine colostrum since day 4 (day 1 with me).
I can’t lose them now!!!
Please give me ALL the information you can on transitioning cottontails without cecotropes. Best started feed, amounts, how they’re introduced...
I’m going to put cecotropes into the cage and hope they merely eat it. They FIGHT me when I try to put it in their mouths. They mush it and spit it out if I succeed in getting it in. I can’t separate a piece from the cluster without squishing it. Would it be better than nothing if I simply squished it into the formula???