Cat Attack!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I have a 7-month old dwarf (Pipp) andthreecats,including atinyoutcastaround four,a hulk around 12, and a shyskinny 14-year old, allgirls.

When the bunny arrived, the older cats ignored her, the young one wasdelighted --she finally thought she found afriend.She followed thebunnyeverywhere.The cat and the rabbitwouldplay 'chase me', takingturns chasing eachother in spurts around the house.They allate together -- or at least the cats ate, the bunnywouldmunch on the cat grass or drink from the kitty bowl,trying to be one of the gang.Whenever Pipp saw anyof thecats, she'd stretch her little head out as far as shecould hoping for a lick. (The cats, sadly, would rarelycomply).

One day, I heard what sounded like a cat fight, went running out intothe living room, Pipp was in the middle of the room with a mouth fullof the oldest cat's hair, hopping aound in a tight circle.The cats were nowhere to be found. I thought thiswasfunny.

A few days later, another fight. This time, the bunny's eyewas bleeding,and the very large crankycat wasnearby, looking mad. Of course I scoop up the bunny, alldistressed -- poor bunny! I put her down for a second to geta kleenex and wash my hands to administer first aid, and the bunny madea beelinefor the cat, circled behind her and bit her!

From that point on, the bunny started going after all three of thecats, even the little young one (who was absolutelycrushed!). At first it seemed like maybe she just wanted tomake them run, but a few days ago, when I was petting the big nastyone, I witnessed an attack up close, and omygod! The bunny'swhole appearance changed as she headed for the cat, got rightunderneath her, and started trying to rip her to shreds. Myinstinct was to grab the cat, whowas totally obscuring herattacker andtrying to bite and scratch, but all I did wasimobilized the poor thing so the bunny could get a better grip!

I took Pipp to the vet and got her spayed, but sheattackedagainjust hours after she gothome.Now all my cats are living at least five feetoff theground, and they're traumatized.The bunny is living in my roomwith the doorclosed. (The cats are not happy about that, either).

Has anybody else had this problem?

Hi and welcome to the forum though I'm sorry it's over such a stressful event.

It does sound very much like a territorial issue and I'm sorry I don'tknow what to suggest except that hormones can take a month or more tocalm down after being spayed.

I've got six house rabbits and three cats and I tend to let the rabbitshave one main room as their territory and supervise very carefully whenthe cats come into it. Luckily my cats are in awe of Flopsy inparticular and keep a healthy distance quite naturally without beingoverly bothered.

I suppose if I were to suggest anything it'd be to keep Pipp apart fromthe cats in a particular bit of the house until her hormones havecalmed down and also for the cats to establish territory so that whenshe meets them again she doesn't automatically think the whole place ishers - and then supervise very very carefully.

It may be that the cats and Pip will work out some way of living peacefully together, I hope so.

As someone who loves cats and rabbits with an equal passion i do feel for you and your cats - and Pipp too.

If she's been spayed very recently it's wise to keep her fairlyinactive for a few days while her scar heals so room arrest is a goodidea for a while anyway.

I can sympathise with the cats being unhappy being shut out of yourroom though. Maybe you could build (as it works out cheaper, there's avery good post you can search for on here called cages only which showsand describes a whole range of types) or buy a large cage for her to bein for some of the time so that they can visit your room and herwithout danger?

Let us know how it goes, I'd love to have a happy ending for them, I'll be thinking of you
My cat and bun have territorial issues and yetShadow the bun beats on Sam the cat so bad, its so sad when all Samwont's to do is be a friend. BUT....I wouldn't put it pastthis feline predator to get her catch when my back isturned.I just took this picture the other day youmay get a chuckleout of, the kids called me out to find thisthing sitting in Shadows fresh cleaned home.


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