Can carpet digging be a hormonal behavior for a female rabbit? My rabbit is 8 months old now and all of sudden she has started to dig and completely destroy the carpet in the room she free roams. Oddly enough she only goes for the corners or edges where the carpet meets the baseboard. She hasn’t been spayed due to health issues. The vet has dragged out her spay surgery due to her having rabbit syphilis ( I’ve posted questions about this in the forum already) I would have hoped to have her spayed since 6 months old but it hasn’t been able to be done. I was thinking about laying down vinyl tile on top of my carpet (with coroplast underneath it) like in this video . In hopes of stopping her from completely destroying it. I’m just wondering if she will be able to lift it? Any other ideas? I would really appreciate any advice! Also, will the spay help this behavior go away?