Well-Known Member
i thought i remebered hearing that two does were easiest to bond, followed by doe and buck, followed by two bucks.
What other pictures are you talking about?I did try topost some pictures of Pepper,but it wouldn't let me do it,it keeptelling invalid extensions,what ever that means,and I kept resizingthem and it still wouldn't let me post them.So,I give up,after resizingthem many times.I was wondering are you good at resizing pictures toget them to post on here?If you are can you give me some ideas,so I canget them pictures posted on here.I was also wondering about posting avideo of Pepper on here of Pepper,I did try to post it on here and Icouldn't get it posted on here.We had used our digital camerafor the video,because it has the quicktime player mode on thecamera,for the video and then we put it on our computer as thequicktime player video.Any ideas on this also?Ok, Pepper,
What other pictures of Pepper are you hoarding over there?
Fess up and post 'em.
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Just the thought of you getting another bun is fun. Do keep us postedhow 'the meeting' goes with each. You might check out the RabbitReferences post as in there, there's a website named for bondingbunnies. Couldn't hurt to glance through it.
Carolyn wrote:What other pictures are you talking about?I did try topost some pictures of Pepper,but it wouldn't let me do it,it keeptelling invalid extensions,what ever that means,and I kept resizingthem and it still wouldn't let me post them.So,I give up,after resizingthem many times.I was wondering are you good at resizing pictures toget them to post on here?If you are can you give me some ideas,so I canget them pictures posted on here.I was also wondering about posting avideo of Pepper on here of Pepper,I did try to post it on here and Icouldn't get it posted on here.We had used our digital camerafor the video,because it has the quicktime player mode on thecamera,for the video and then we put it on our computer as thequicktime player video.Any ideas on this also?Ok, Pepper,
What other pictures of Pepper are you hoarding over there?
Fess up and post 'em.
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Just the thought of you getting another bun is fun. Do keep us postedhow 'the meeting' goes with each. You might check out the RabbitReferences post as in there, there's a website named for bondingbunnies. Couldn't hurt to glance through it.
I'm trying here to get it to work.Almost there, Pepper!!
I did email you so just now look for it in your email.I don't see it.
Can you email me the picture, Pepper and I'll see what I can do and then do a step-by-step instruction for you?
Guess what Carlolyn,I got a message back telling me the email Isent to you with Pepper's video was to big of afile to send,it went over the size of my email space that I'm allowedto send in space size.Try sending it again, Pepper.
I haven't gotten it.