I just sent you a note to check this out. Can you believe it?!
Cali's great grandparents and her great-great grandparents and otherancestors of her family tree all weighed in between 15 and 17 lbs.She's got a lot of Sandy and Fawn in her line, which I find interestingbecause as she's growing, the white around her eyes and her belly seemto be brighter than the Sandys. I see that more in Fawn's pictures.Perhaps I'm completely off base on that note.
I can't believe she's a part of showrabbits line. :shock: That is justwild. The odds were possible because Lord knows there aren't manyFlemish Breeders in the Country, but I never thought it would happen.
I wonder how many of us are bunny-related in the end. Some say it feels like family in here, maybe it is!
More Diva Pictures, Please!!!!
I'll get some more pictures of Tucks and Fauna and as far as stories,Be careful what you wish for, Honey. I'll bump up an old Tucker postand update it. There's so many stories about him, I don't know where tostart.