THANK YOU,Showrabbits!
You have given me so much information that Inever was awareof. First off, I can't believe that you found a group thatdoes transport flemish to Japan, etc. That's sowonderful! You have no idea how many times that question hasbeen asked. Even if no one takes the offer, it's veryinteresting to know.
I can't believe that you can tell my baby girl is going to have a bigdewlap. What's yoursecret?Arethere any signs that I might beable to see?I hope she doesn't loose herround cheeks. Do you suspect she will as she fillsout? I suspect she will, but that's okay.I love her more and more every day.
When should I stop givingher the Calf Manna? I'mabsolutely Blown Away by the fact that she would be at full weightat3-4 years old. I had heard that they can continuegrowing up to 1.5 years, thank you so muchfor confirming thatfor me.
She is like a big teddybear.
Thebiggest and Best Teddy Bear I've ever had, mind you. She's sosensitive! The very few times I've had to yell at her fordoing something, her feelings really get hurt. She bows herhead, and the minute I sit down, she jumps into my lap and puts herhead down for me to pet her and love her. I swear, she'llstay there for 10 minutes with me reassuring her that I still loveher. Once she's certain there's no hard feelings, she's onher way. Every day that passes, she just seems to want to beat my side more and more. I am so lucky to have her in mylife.
As to her ancestry, I should know more in a few weeks,hopefully. The girl I got her from was going to send me herpapers. I sent her a note today asking her if should couldpop them in the mail. Wouldn't it be so exciting if she wasconnecting to yourcrew???
I'dlove to see a picture of AJ. Do you have one that you canpost?
I wish we could get together. I'd love to sit down with youand chat with you about all of this. Your knowledge isfascinating and I love your personality as well. Really,really wish you could make it to the Boathouse Party.
Thank you so much for all of your help. I look forward to hearing from you again.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
To Everyone Else that posted to me about my girl, Cali.
Thank you so much!! You touch my heart the way you all seewhat I see in her. I wish you could all meet her.As my nephew said last night, she's much prettier in person than shelooks in pictures.
Thanks for yourkindness.