Zaleia, I think you may be making the same mistake I did when I first heard people talking about "dog crates" for rabbits - there's transportation ones that are normally hard plastic with one door and fit in the backseat of a car (which is where my mind initially went)... but then there's ones that are meant to cage a dog for up to a few hours while their owners aren't home or something. The one we have is an XL dog crate (48x30x32'') and is great for keeping 1-2 rabbits in temporarily or for short stretches of time (like an hour or two). It also makes a great "home base" for a rabbit that's basically free-range - one-stop-shopping for their food/water/litter box needs.
Thank you for clarifying. That was however the type of crate I was thinking about. I think it's too small to house a rabbit, especially a large rabbit. It's my opiion and opinions were asked for

We don't crate dogs here, it's not a part of our culture and it's illegal to keep dogs caged/crated - although there are exceptions for short periods of time like a show or car ride or at the vet etc. I'm not so familiar with our laws regarding cage/kennel sizes for dogs since it just never comes up, but I know that dogs and cats are not crated in the same was I see happens abroad. (using crates for short times away is getting more common with problematic dogs though, I think.)
As for your meassurements, the cage would not be legal to house a flemish giant here. (area is just barely meeting the law, but the short side is too short). Not by far, but a tadsy too small. And I personally think the law minimum is way too small as it is - but I see where being more strict could rule out great housing options by technicalities so..
Anyhow, I'm rambling. I did read it was just for a short amount of time, but I question that a bit. If they are free roaming when people sleep, surely they can be free roaming when you're away a couple of hours? And if not - you sleep more than 1-2 hours a night so it wouldn't only be that time.
My personal opinion is that going out to get a dog crate for a rabbit is not the best idea. I would look for a cage where I'd feel comfortable locking them up at night at least, or if I had to get a pet sitter/place them with someone a few days etc. And I would not be comfortable to do that with a xl dog crate.
I'd also worry that that "once every blue moon" occasion would become more routine and then suddenly realize that bunny spends a lot of time in that crate.
Now I have a car-cage for a dog and that's smaller than the xl crate (its safer to travel in a smaller cage where they won't have room to ber tossed around in a crash) I use it when I take Dawn (my flemish) places and as a temporary cage when visiting friends. Usually she's not locked up in it, but lets say I visitet Sofie who does not have a bunny proof house, and we went to get pizza..then yes I would lock Dawn up in it while we went away.
I'm not saying anyone is bad for locking up a rabbit in a dig crate a few hours now and then, but I would go for a larger home-cage if I was to get a cage to use at home. Maybe building something to fit discreetly in a corner or nook somewhere if space is limited.
(unless transporting and mobility is a key point.)
It's my opinion

I'm not putting blame to anyone who does it, but I would not chose this solution.