Can I eat that strange box hoomans call " computers"?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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My hooman was posting about my health and safety. I decided to go over to her strange box and try to chew on it. She was not pleased. She said that " It was not safe, and you could get hurt eating it. I walked away to eat her blankets in sadness. But tell me, what wonders does the hoomans box hold? I have logged in and typed, but what else is available? Have you found out the mystery of the computer?

- b ,csdh ( hooman note. Big wig tried to type. I got him to do the B, but then he gave up and just ran typing random things.)
i have not found out what hooman box holds whenever hooman is pressing the thingies i am watching her i heard of things called memes (pronounced me-mays) that she look at
I have heard of the me-mays as well! I think the hoomans are very strange in their ways.
I like to sit on mommy's box too, cause she is always staring at it! It's got this very bright screen and it's funny feeling and sounds come out of it! I tried to chew on the side too! Mommy always takes it away from me cause I sit on the buttons and then things happen.
i found out i can jump pretty high! one time i managed to jump out of my x-pen and zoomed past mommy who was sitting on the couch. boy did i give her a fright!

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