Definitely not a Checkered Giant and not even a mix. Those are rabbits that are not usually mixed in. My guess is that it is just a mutt. It is Broken Chestnut in color. Some broken patterns also have the spine marking and spots down the side.
Definitely not a Checkered Giant and not even a mix. Those are rabbits that are not usually mixed in. My guess is that it is just a mutt. It is Broken Chestnut in color. Some broken patterns also have the spine marking and spots down the side.
Thanks for all your suggestions. I think it is def some kind of checkered giant mix. He is close to the same weight and has the same exact patterns that most do except they are brown instead of black. He even has the one tuft of hair coming from his left ear that they have. He looks like he has english spot in him too. I dont really care what he is. He is such a cuddler and we love him.
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