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dl incognito

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hi all! i have a few questions:

1. it is suggested that a rack is put in the cage so that the rabbitsdroppings and urine will fall below and it won't contaminate any haythat they will be eating, well, wont therack be hard on theirfeet???

2.i read in the "cheat sheet for rabbits" that

"Bunnies need to digest some foods twice therefore have two differenttypes of droppings. They eat the softer droppings (cecetropes) andshould not be discouraged as it's normal and necessary for therabbit." - if this is so, then with a rack the rabbit won'tbe able to eat their softer droppings right? so, what would you do inthis situation???

Rabbits can develop sore hocks from sitting onthe wire too much. This is generally a problem in the larger, heavyrabbits. To avoid this you should add some solid flooring that they canrest a resting board.

Rabbits will eat the cecetropes directly from their behind. Some extras may drop out but that is fine.

Fergi's mom
I prefer the cages that let the dropping fall tothe other level so mucheasier to clean. But i have a 3 level ferretcage would that work or wouldnt the bunnies use the stairs

My bunny has 2 sore hocksbecause of his wire floor, but I put a wood board and they are healingfine. If you don't get wire floor you can litter train the bunny or geta hay rack and the hay won't get contaminated.
I wouldn't recommend putting a rack in yourrabbit's cage. But, if the rab makes too many messes then Iwould buy a cage with half of it (or less) as a rack. You canalso buy a litter box and litter train your rab instead. Goodluck!:D

Although droppings are messy, rabbits sometimeseat some of them to get extranutrients etc, which their bodymight not have pick up first time so droppings in the cage arn't alwaysa problem.;)
I wouldn't recommend putting a rack inyour rabbit's cage. But, if the rab makes too many messesthen I would buy a cage with half of it (or less) as a rack.You can also buy a litter box and litter train your rabinstead. Good luck!:D

I agree with this comment as a solution.

Catherine x :D
Cosmo tends to go in the back left corner of hislitter box, so I place his hay in the front right corner...but I thinkalso they tend to know which strands of hay are urine soaked and whichare clean, I think they are pretty there isn't too much toworry about with that

i put hay in my buns' litter boxes and they dofine with it.. i keep the hay at one end, and they go to thebathroom at the other end! i also always make sure they haveplenty of fresh hay on top, they seem to know to stop eating it when itgets too far down..

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