Hi. I just got a rabbit. I need a recommendationfor a good cage that will be very easy to clean and gives the rabbitenough space, maybe even have 2 floors. It probably would have to bewire because it will include a cleaning tray.
The cage will be indoor. My mom thinks the bunny smells and wants tokeep it outdoor, so that is why I want it easily cleaned. I don't wantthe bunny outside in nyc's fast changing weather. I will probablysooner or later have to give into my mom's demand and get a hutch too,so maybe you guys can recommend one of that too.
So far I think the nice ones are the Rabbitrail 2 level, but I don'tthink this one has a tray. The other is Wabbitat Midwest Rabbit Cage157 37W x 19D x 20H, but the floor seems to close to the wire ground,which doesn't seem sanitary for my rabbit. Thanks.
The sooner the better the reply, since the rabbit is now in a cardboard box. I really do want him out of that.