Cages Only 1 (now closed)

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Here is Kelso's cage. I wish I knew about theNIC cubes before I invested in this $50 cage from Petsmart. I don'tlike it because, although it is definitely big enough, I don't think hegets enough exercise unless I let him out most of the day. The problemwith letting him out most of the day is that he is starting to chew onthe furniture (even though he has plenty of toys and I play with himoften) and he can't stay out while I'm not home. I'm going back toschool in a few weeks so he won't have much time out of his cage then.Plus, when he doesn't get enough exercise, he lets me know by doinglaps around his cage (which rattles horribly) at about 3 a.m. I thinkI'll invest in some NIC cubes after he recovers from his neuter nextweek.



I would agree with Kelso. I know Emmy's cage istiny, but she is mostly out for the day and is only put in when all thefamily is going to sleep. :)

This is Trixy in his cage. Just a simple Wabbitat, thelargest one of course! He is very content with it.He has a custom made cage box so the litter doesn't get everywhere.
That's the Cage (I call it Bunnyflat;)):


That was the cage last summer, but now, there's a plushhouse (you can see it on the winter-picture) and a bigger toilette in it.

In the winter, the cage looks like this:


I made it by myself and a carpenter helped me with some things. It'smade of wood and has a glass-front, so my bunnies can look out ;)

On the left side is a little entrance, so my buns are able to go in and out whenever they want to.

The cage is on the balcony, so Bambi and Sammy stay most time out of the cage like this:



Well here is SweetPea's cage along with her neighbors which are the guinea pigs

As you can see is SweetPea's cage is on the left bottom in a 2x4 and 2high. On the rightside of her cage is 2 2x2 for a single guinea pigmales that can not be paired. Just above them is a 2x6 cage for thefemale guinea pigs then just above them on the right side is another2x2 cage for the other single male as well. Pretty cool set up. Once wemove they all will be separated and SweetPea will get her 2x6 cageback. This set up is for temporary because My hubby's parents aremoving in when his mom gets out of the hospital.
I like the way you have the bottom of the cageset up for your buns. I know that when we move we are getting plywood,large castor wheels, and 2x4's so we can build the cage and be able tomove it around in the garage to clean the place up.
This is Cookie's cage. He has acardboard box house and a 'tent'that he spends lots of timein too, and he's allowed out of his cage for most of the day.Cookieloves his silly cage so muchhe spends all ofhis time in it with the door wide open. Then when we go toclose it up for the night, he gets mad.


Shuu wrote:

Click here for the cage building process.
Shuu, I noticed you and your father used the"Rubbermaid" brand cubes, but that you used cable ties insted of theconnectors in the kit. I built Willow's cage with the samecubes but with the connectors. Was there an advantage youfound with the cable ties or did you just perfer to build it that way?
I had cages built with just zipties. I liked itwith connectors because it makes it look sturdier and nicer. It is upto people though. From now on I am building cages with connectors andzipties. My cage is posted a few threads above you.
Johncdn wrote:
Shuu wrote:
Click here for the cage building process.
Shuu, I noticed you and your father used the"Rubbermaid" brand cubes, but that you used cable ties insted of theconnectors in the kit. I built Willow's cage with the samecubes but with the connectors. Was there an advantage youfound with the cable ties or did you just perfer to build it thatway?
I found the connectors difficult to use and because there would be somany corners with 3 panels it would've been too hard to try to get theconnectors to stay. Overall it saved us a lot of time and frustration.Also, the cable ties prevent any collasping when the rabbits arerunning around inside the cage and between floor. The actual connectorsthemselves don't provide much stability. I would suggest either onlyusing cable ties or using both connectors and cable ties.
That is what I use both. I know what you mean bythem stupid corners. Ugh. I got new mesh grids and their connectors aremore stronger than the other grids connectors. I had to use a hammer topound them in.

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