Cage bottoms

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
Ho everyone!

I'm re-doing Rilee's cage soon for our new place and I'm having trouble thinking of a good idea for the bottom of the cage. What do you all use?

I used to use pegboard, but of what I have left, none are long enough. A whole new one is huge and too expensive. Coroplast, too, is expensive where I live. I have vynl tiles like I used before, I just need something to put them on. And I don't think I can just use a blanket, she's a digger and seems to have a problem where she always pees on blankets in her cage. She's a problem child, neh?
I use extra vinly flooring in Maggie's cage left over from the old kitchen flooring. Belle doesn't have a NIC cage yet, but I did buy the cubes for her cage tonight so I'll most likely make it tomorrow. I would defintally suggest vinly flooring, or linoleum for the bottom of the cage, it's cheap and you can cut it yourself fairly easily. Or you could possibly stick the tiles to a piece of plywood. Although if Rilee pees it might go through onto to the plywood and start to smell. I'm not sure though.
I used the plastic chair mats that they use in carpeted offices.
They're square and fit a 3 grid X 3 grid NIC cage.
I was lucky to get mine for free.
I've heard those work really well, and aren't too slippery either. I think they're on sale at Staples for either eleven dollars or fifteen. You can get them in different colors and whatnot.
I use linoleum (I think it's that and not vinyl). I bought a remanant roll at Home Depot for $10 and still have at least half left (Orion has a 3x3 NIC cage). I love it because I can just take a vaccuum to it and suck up the little poopies and hay crumbs and pellets, and spray it with vinegar water and wipe it down and his cage is clean in less than 10 minutes. I do this almost every day too.
I LOVE my mini vaccuum. I either use that, or if it's not that much of a mess a little dust pan and broom from the dollar store.
I have both (the sweeper and the dustpan and hand broom), and I would love to buy a little dust buster to use exclusively for cleaning up after the bunny. The sweeper comes in so handy for cleaning up after the rabbit and rats.
JimD wrote:
I used the plastic chair mats that they use in carpeted offices.
They're square and fit a 3 grid X 3 grid NIC cage.
I was lucky to get mine for free.

Good idea, Jim! can try posting on your local Yahoo! Groups Freecycle for one of these....or even a peice of pegboard, coroplast, a sheet of plywood, and/or some tiles :biggrin2:.
I use the plastic floor mats too. It works really well I just wish there were walls so the hay didn't go everywhere. It is very easy to clean tho.
I like the idea of using a chair mat... She's really messy and needs some kind of guard around the cage, but I figured I can wrap an old fabric shower curtain around for that. I looked in the Yahoo group, but couldn't find any. The cheapest one I could find online was $17 plus shipping. A slate of pegboard was only like $13 :? It was a pain to get it, cut it, and have tons of leftover though... Ahhh still don't know what to do.

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