thats fine now becca!
im glad now...
as some of you my of read above, i was going to post a long reply. its a true story that happened to me yesterday.
i went to my maths lesson.
now, i did not go in with a bad or positive attaiute. just a ill come in and go whw=en the bell rings.
during this, the teacher moved m y desk, out to the front of the class, on its own like a island. right infront of her.
i hate being out in the open, just like a rabbit lol. so i was in a bad mood.........
then, here--- last exam i got 21%.
in this one i got more that double that 49%
i have to repeat it over the week end!!!!!!!
any way. while i was simmering away in the middle of the class, she was writing on the board.
so i moved my table one cm.
so during the double
lesson my table moved slowly but surly back to its place,,
before i got 360 dergges around, (i really have a low attention span) i was daydreaming with out even realising it, she asked me a question. i dont even know all of my tim es i did not have a clue.
then she was like, elener (saying my name wrong, say it wrong and it agrivates me even more, so i was bubbling......)
am because of my mum, i dont cry. my mum has treated me so badly, im scared to cry. so you will rarely see my cry.
sso i just stared evilly at her.
then she notied my table.... which got moved out again. but i was :censored2: off with her, so i moved it, not quietly, nosiely.
which lead to another i dont hionk.
now, if any one says i dont think... then god luck to bthem.
i really think more than most people.
thinking about rabbits. thhinking about religion, life, the world, people dying thankss to others are in my dat=ydreams.
also music notes.#
i really, if she was not a teacher, would of slapped her scross the face.
but i did not. i just stared.
then i wrote a note to aofie. she is sound. she is my friend, but fiona is my best. well... m y rabbist are my best.... or rebbecca or becca....on ro
well any way. the note went like,-----------------
who does she think SHE IS? saying i dont think!
i think about more important things than maths!
just because i was ment to be on the sepecall needs group in primary school and did not get in, because mr mc kevver bullied me! does that gib=ve her the right to take me from pe class on monday to do maths in gthe libarty ok?
just becaus e i dont do it does not mean i dont enjoy it. just bea csues of my heart problem.....
ill shove that redo the test paer up her :censored2:

she can give me detention. its not going to help naything.
i rather she did. extra time away from home.
i dont care what she does.
and whats up with moving my table!!!!!
i look like a retarded person. (not ment in offence. but ill remove it from ro if need be, cause i could not spell it)
and really, how is moving me out to the middle of the class going to help me???? huh> like, aofie you know i hate being forced in to open spaces. i like open spaces... but being forced in to one...:shame
if the miss reads this. i would like to make it clear.
i really dont care about maths.
i dont need it for the job i want ot do. and ill rub your nose in it when i get it.
so, ill talk 2 u in spanish next period aofie.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo babes
any one can guess what happened... the tr=eacher found it......
or more like got it after aofie read it.
i am in a seriously beeped off mood.
she kept me behind and asked me what was wrong with me, and what do you day dream about and what goes through your head.
now, she saidnit oin a snotty, i dont care manner. so i said your not a physociliges, whay dont you stick to yourt d=stupid low payed boring job as a teacher of maths.
and she started to shouta t me. so i took it all in my stride. my mum shouts at me.
anyb way. i have the test to do....
and she kept the note.
i guess he will show it to my form teacher but he will say keep it in the past and be good or something like that.
if she even thinks im turning up for her in pe lesson monday then more fool her.
i also wrote soem very bad things in the note....
i dont care.
if she tells my mum.
all ill get is a beating and sent to bed with no supper or brakfast.
its a ok price to pay.
i really hate her.
sorry fro the long story.