m reaching my key stage 3 exams in maths.
in the exam in january i got 13 out of 100. the lowest in the year group.
because of my heart problem i dont do pe. so i help set stuff up and cheer. now my maths teacher takes me away for 2 lessons in the libary to teach me maths.
i did not have a ositive attadute going in in the firist place.
but people walk past and geer, because im a "spastic"(if thats a bad word on here ill remove it straight away)
and **** im ok, ill learn it so ill get out of this mess quicker.
i dont want to hurt her feels.. but well she smokes. thats fine its her choice. but she pure goes up to your face when she speacks and smokers breath is not nice at all....:vomit:
no offence to her or any thing...
i dont even know answers and she always asks me the hard ones. so i sit there like, in my head im like."oh ":censored2::scared::headsmack:shock2:

onder::faint: whats the answer! then im like.... um i dont know. and the class laughs and she looks like,, omg! what have you been doing!
but i really listen in class.. i do. i got moved from my one friend. we dont speack because we both are like wth! and we dont mess. she just moved me.
in other subjects maths is used. im ok in the subjet untill maths is used.
i really hate this presserure.
i cant do mental maths. i have to write it down, like i cant add 11=5 with out writing and working it out.
every night i sit down with times tables,
i only know 1 2 5 and 10 times tables.
i do try but the teacher are like ggrrrrant:X
and i m like. :tantrum:
i hate maths.