I can completely understand where you are coming from Butterscotch. My female rabbit that suddenly passed at the age of 6 was the devil herself. She was the cutest sweetest little thing. Loved to be cuddled and play. But, she completely DESTROYED everything in her path. My rabbits are not spayed, so she only got over destructive behavior at around 2 years old. By that time she had completely chewed the carpet and the pad clear down to the subfloor in her room. Chewing every fleece blanket I gave her (I buy them at a thrift store to save on money). She also refused to ever be liter box trained. Even up to her death at age 6 she WOULD NOT USE A LITER BOX. I tried and tried and tried. Putting liter boxes everywhere in the cage, only to find them thrown out of the cage and turned upside down with all the bedding hay or whatever I put in it tracked all through their play area. She just simply refused. She would only pee and poop in her cage; but NEVER in a liter box. My other rabbit that she was bonded with always used her liter box and still does. I had several melt downs, SEVERAL. She drove me crazy; but, then she would look up at me with her cute little face and it all melted away. I was convinced she was Karma for all the bad things I had ever done in my life. I did get through it. I promise you will too. I know it is frustrating, so I understand. However, they are baby rabbits and it is what they do. But, I do feel your pain.
Even through all of it, I loved her so very much.
Then, what did I do after I lost her? I adopted two more babies. I guess I am a gluten for punishment. The good thing is, they have both been complete angels. They are like your little gray goose. Well behaved. Just consider yourself blessed that you only have one terror on your hands. I liked J-Bun's advice though, it is good. All rabbits are different, so what is best for one may not be best for another.
But, just know we all know what you are going through. We are all here to listen to your rants, as we have all been there. Hang in there, it's these times that will make you appreciate when they are older and well behaved.
In the meantime, we're all here for you. 
Then, what did I do after I lost her? I adopted two more babies. I guess I am a gluten for punishment. The good thing is, they have both been complete angels. They are like your little gray goose. Well behaved. Just consider yourself blessed that you only have one terror on your hands. I liked J-Bun's advice though, it is good. All rabbits are different, so what is best for one may not be best for another.
But, just know we all know what you are going through. We are all here to listen to your rants, as we have all been there. Hang in there, it's these times that will make you appreciate when they are older and well behaved.