Buttercup Now Has A Wart On His Ear

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Ajax, Ontario, Canada
My poor Buttercup has a wart on his ear that needs to be removed, so he is having it done tomorrow. He will need to go under a General Anesthetic again (3rd in about 5 months).

The Vet also said he felt a mass on his abdomen about the size of an orange. Now that I know it's there I can feel it to. He's not sure if it's a tumour or just fluid coming backthat is in a sac. He said for us to keep an eye on it to see what happens. If it gets bigger they can do more tests.

He said he has seen rats with the same type of thing and they have lived a long time with it.

It certainly doesn't seem to bother him, he is more active than the rest of my "Lazy Buns".

Oh no! Poor Buttercup. :(I hope getting the wart removal goes smoothly and he recovers good.

I hope the large mass in his tummy isn't a tumor, I hope it doesn't get any bigger than it already is.


Hi Soooska, I hope everything goes smoothly at the vet's tomorrow. Me and the buns will be sending good vibes to Buttercup :) Keep us posted!
So Buttercup had the "Wart" removed and he's home. That went well.

However Dr Rick said he did an Ultra Sound (didn't charge us) and said itmas a "mass". Don't know what were going to do about this yet.

Poor Buttercup.

I'm pleased to hear that the wart removal went OK, but I don't like the sound of the 'mass' :(. Did Dr rick give you any idea of what to do, or what it could be?

keeping that beautiful boy in my thoughts.

Oh no! Poor Buttercup! At least he got his ear taken care of! That's too bad about the mass, though. Older animals tend to get lumps and bumps, though. Maybe it's benign? I sure hope so!
Buttercup is doing ok. Chris noticed when Buttercup is sleeping on his tummyhe tends to breathe making alot on noises but when he's on his side he doesn't make the same noise. Maybe the "Mass" is affecting hs breathing.

His ear looks good that doesn't seem to bother him.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Buttercup is doing ok. Chris noticed when Buttercup is sleeping on his tummyhe tends to breathe making alot on noises but when he's on his side he doesn't make the same noise. Maybe the "Mass" is affecting hs breathing.
That is possible. The more pressure on his abdomen, the more area the mass can squish into. If that makes sense? Our old dog had a mass in her abdomen once she got older (12, I think). She could only lay on her side, because if she laid on her stomach, the mass would push up against her diaphragm, making her lung capacity less. She would have shorter, raspy breaths that way. Maybe that's what the mass is doing to Buttercup?
Buttercup is doing great, he's eating, pooping and playing alot. hhere's a picture of his ear.


Hi Susan

Buttercup looks so very sweet; I really hope the mass is just a fatty tumor or something like that.
His ear looks healed already...

he's been through a lot lately and (just like me) you've been through a lot too :hug:

It's so hard because we love them so much.
Were not really sure what's going to happen next. We have to bring Buttercup back to the Vets next week to get the stitch out (why he didn't use a disolveable stitch is beyond me).

We are really leary about putting Buttercup through another big surgery. He was so sick after they removed the fluid from his tummy in August, we really thought we were going to loose him then. We just don't won't him to suffer. His breathing at times seems a little laboured, he makes alot of noises especially when he's sleeping.

I totally agree with you Maureen, we've both been through so much with our little babies. Gosh it must be so exhausting for you too. And then to top all that off poor Jackie was really sick the other night, that was real scare to.

Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes and prayers. They mean alot to both Chris and I.

Oh no, poor Buttercup! You need to PM me when I miss these threads! I cant believe I didnt know our angel wasnt well.

I'll be praying for the little man. I really hope its nothing serious. You guys have had such a rough year. :(
Aww...give Buttercup kisses from all of us here in Maherwoman-ville!! That's lesse...three human kisses, nine bunny kisses, three kitty kisses, and one each from Teeny and Velveteen (as I know they send their love still).

:flowerskiss: x 17!!

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