also, I am uploading a coon video for yall. It shows her being pretty easygoing. I might get a "PSYCHO MODE" vid later.
Lol Emily, he definitely needs a bunny.
Yeah Leo will only scratch my back for a second and Im like NO! MORE! It's not un-itchy yet!!!! And hes like oh ok well too bad.
But when his back is itchy I will keep scratching it. Occasionally I will scratch it just because hes such a sweetie.
Buster and Phoebe don't respond to my hollow threats. *sigh* He is such a grumpus. But yes! I loved the grape part too! She does that everytime I give her a grape but usually it doesn't take her that long but man, she sure did get mad at Buster! She did nip him I believe, think they might have bit each other. Another reason she kept coming back to me is because theres another spot on the left side of me by the window that they really wanted to check out but I planted myself in the way so they couldn't go back there hehehehehehe!!!!!!
Phoebe tries to be sneaky but Buster must think, "NAH HOE, GO BACK OVER THERE ORRRRR YOU CAN GROOM
So today I was giving Rosco a mani/pedi and he kicked me in the face. I was mad, I bit him. I am sorry now and I told him so but still....I feel bad. lol. I really don't like being kicked in the face though. It has happened a couple times before when I would tickle his feet hairs and I deserved it but this time I hadn't even cut the nail yet...I was just looking for the quick and then *WACK-PAW-IN-FACE!* Then I said you S***HEAD and I bit him hahahahhahaha.
omg, Coonanie is scratching my back again, it really tickles cause shes doing it to my side. I think the bad weather and me being on the computer makes her sleepyyyy!!!!!

Now she's sniffing me with her pointy cold nose. teeehehehehehehhe it ticklessss!!!!!
I will have the rabbits date shortly!