Thanks guys!

They are cuties. Yeah, Buster's ears are so tiny compared to Phoebe's dumbo ears, then I see Thumper or Monty's ears and im like.....those are HUGE.
Oh and I forgot to tell yall but the other day the workers bring me a Carolina wren fledgling and I tried to keep it fed until they could take it back to its nest but they took too long, like an hour and the baby died and I had to put it in a Ziploc brand body bag, and buried him in the trash can....I sang him the revised version of Amazing Grace and moved on. :'( It was pretty sad. He would have made it if the idiots hadn't brought it to me.
Ok that was the fore story, there's more to it below.....
So this is date #16. I think it is the really annoying one with the rap music and the planes going by and they just did NOT have a good time. Well the next night...Saturday...I had the date in my other guest room and I will post that one as soon as it is done uploading. Shortly after the date was done filming, my dad and other guys came home, I could tell they were VERRRRY drunk and I was all the way upstairs. They ran upstairs and I got out of the room so they wouldn't scare the bunnies and then I am like: "hey whats up...............*stares at raccoon on dads shoulder* WHAT THE FUUUUUDGE?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What?!?!?!" Poppy is like, "Here is your new pet, I challenge you to train her!!!!" *puts her on my back*" I say "Omg are you crazy this is a wild animal! It's gonna rip our ears and lips and noses off!!! And what if she has parasites!!!!!!" And then finally I get them to tell me how they got her. Well they went to Down South Offroad, the place we all take our ATVs and UTVs, and they were on the boat but they rode up to the shore and everyone hangs out there. Well some people rode up from mudding and they had this lil baby raccoon riding on their side-by-side and apparently the guys went up to them to talk about it and the guy told Chris, Leo's friend and our worker, that he is selling it for $1000 and Chris says, "HEY RUSTY, GIVE ME YOUR WALLET! IM GONNA BUY THIS RACCOON FOR YOU!" And my dad is soooo drunk, like the drunkest I have seen him in YEARS, and he obeys. (The guy says that he has had her since 3 weeks and he got her from a breeder...) So then they ride home with this baby raccoon and BAM I have a raccoon now. I had to take the poor bun's blue cage for her to use and then I gave her a bath, which she liked until she figured out HOLY CRAP THERES SOAP ON ME! Then she wasn't so happy. But, it had to be done, she smelled like sunscreen...... I then searched her all over for fleas and I finally found one and gave her the kitten dosage of Advantage II and she's now flea-free. She is quite fascinating to watch and she, the roughly 8 week old coon, is a lot like an 8 week old puppy. Bitey, teethy, curious, happy, playful, a handful! So now I don't know what to do, she is very sweet but I am worried she will transform into a raging monster. Should I give her to someone who will cage her and who reeeally wants her or do I keep her as a house coon and train her and only cage her at night while we sleep, and when we are away? I don't know what I should do, I have so much on my plate right now. And I know that they get wild and angry when you cage them...of course. Anyway, yesterday was Leo's birthday and he had a little party. She stayed outside with us most of the time. Now she is asleep on Poppy's lap...Poppy may be her favorite person. I will post a pic for yall lol.
Oh and then today, the guys come in and Sunflower says, "Katie, remember how I pulled your flower, well here, I am making up *pulls teeny tiny baby rabbit from behind his back*" The poor thing is so scared its eyes are bulging and he squirms and I yell "NO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU GOTTA PUT IT BACK FROM WHERE YOU GOT IT!!! ITS JUST A LITTLE BABY! Don't worry, the mom will take it back, just take it back, immediately!!!" And they tell me they ruined its home with a weed-eater and I am like: I don't care, take it back and the mom will make a new home Good God almighty!!!! I am not NOAH! I will not build an arc and put all the animals yall bring me in the arc and take off down the road! HOLY CRAP! So I am apparently the crazy animal lady now.....
That was a lot....