Buster the lionhead bunny!

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That is a skinny horse, and I saw him every day all day long pulling people around. Poor Pancho.
The tequila was awesome, our tour guide tried to get us drunk. Lol.
Hahaha we were at a wax museum and that was the wax Shakira lol. I thought they looked funny too but they were all in a room and I kept mistaking them for real people. Kinda gets freaky. The churches were sooo beautiful. Y'all would have loved them, I think the people who were praying thought I was crazy taking a hundred pictures lol.
I don't know why but that house always has people coming in and out every few months, but we called some people and today before we left he bagged all his crap so the trash men will take it.
I have never seen that much trash before....except on the other side of Houston lol. It's bad over there.
Two quick questions - how do you train him click is good? Do you sit with him and click and then treat a few times? That's what we did with Stubbie (our dog) when we were clicker training him...

Also, what do you use for treats? What should I use for treats?
Haha typical name for a horse in Mexico, he did a bit thin though.

I don´t think it looked anything like Shakira, I wouldn´t have guessed if you hadn´t said.

I love old churches, well we have hundreds of them over here, all styles of architecture. I think my favourite is the Cathedral in Cordoba which used to be a mosque, it´s absolutely amazing.

I wouldn´t have minding getting drunk on tequila, I hardly ever drink it but do like it. I used to take people to a wine bodega near Cordoba in Spain. We always went just before we went for lunch and you´d be amazed at the amount people drank. On the coach on the way there, it was always really quiet but on the way back, it was really loud with most people singing...amazing what a few drinks do.

It´s so interesting the clicker training. You´ve got me into wanting to try it. I´m just about to order some things from amazon so might see if they´ve got one of there.
I can't drink Tequila. It just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe too many margaritas back in the day, hehe. And the drunkest, and sickest!, I've ever been in my life was from tequila and it's never sat well with me since and that was like 15 years ago.
lmao. I can't drink that much tequila either. I always sweat it out...at night...while sleeping. haha.
Okay, I have to share this story because I think you guys will get a kick out of it. When I was 18 I worked at an outdoor produce stand, with two guys and another woman. And I worked with a guy who was like 21. We got there at like 7:30 am every morning and most of the time, we had been drinking a lot the night before and running on very little sleep. So one morning it was like 8, we're starting our day and the 21 year old, Brandon, is standing down the row from me by like 5 feet. He looks at me and says "oh my god, is it hot out here? I am SO hot!" Keep in mind it is the south, and it was already about 95* out. I said, with out looking at him "yeah, its a little warm this morning." So I look over at him and he is POURING sweat, his whole shirt was wet, his face was literally dripping. I looked away then looked back at him and was like "holy balls are you alright?!" Then I took a step closer to him and could smell the straight tequila he was sweating out and started laughing! It was SO bad. But then I had the strangest hankering for a margarita.
Thats what happens when I drink tequila. lmao.

Now I want a margarita.
Two quick questions - how do you train him click is good? Do you sit with him and click and then treat a few times? That's what we did with Stubbie (our dog) when we were clicker training him...

Also, what do you use for treats? What should I use for treats?

Yes. I muffled the clicker in my jacket pocket at first bc it was a little too loud at first but now he knows it is the best thing Everrrr!
U can use his pellets...or cut up carrots in the teeniest tiniest pieces. I will have to upload a picture of how small they are. But I don't know how well babies can tolerate sweets :/
Haha typical name for a horse in Mexico, he did a bit thin though.

I don´t think it looked anything like Shakira, I wouldn´t have guessed if you hadn´t said.

I love old churches, well we have hundreds of them over here, all styles of architecture. I think my favourite is the Cathedral in Cordoba which used to be a mosque, it´s absolutely amazing.

I wouldn´t have minding getting drunk on tequila, I hardly ever drink it but do like it. I used to take people to a wine bodega near Cordoba in Spain. We always went just before we went for lunch and you´d be amazed at the amount people drank. On the coach on the way there, it was always really quiet but on the way back, it was really loud with most people singing...amazing what a few drinks do.

It´s so interesting the clicker training. You´ve got me into wanting to try it. I´m just about to order some things from amazon so might see if they´ve got one of there.

On the way to the factory everyone was loud and jabbering on, very excited of course. On the way back she played a movie and most people were very quiet and passed the hell out hahahaha!!!!!

I have never been to a big church or cathedral before but my Nana does a lot of traveling and I have seen all her pictures so I know that there are some real magnificent ones out there! I want to see them all!

There is a book out there about clicker training rabbits. I don't know if it's on amazon but I would check. But I know for sure it's on clickertraining.com
lmao. I can't drink that much tequila either. I always sweat it out...at night...while sleeping. haha.
Okay, I have to share this story because I think you guys will get a kick out of it. When I was 18 I worked at an outdoor produce stand, with two guys and another woman. And I worked with a guy who was like 21. We got there at like 7:30 am every morning and most of the time, we had been drinking a lot the night before and running on very little sleep. So one morning it was like 8, we're starting our day and the 21 year old, Brandon, is standing down the row from me by like 5 feet. He looks at me and says "oh my god, is it hot out here? I am SO hot!" Keep in mind it is the south, and it was already about 95* out. I said, with out looking at him "yeah, its a little warm this morning." So I look over at him and he is POURING sweat, his whole shirt was wet, his face was literally dripping. I looked away then looked back at him and was like "holy balls are you alright?!" Then I took a step closer to him and could smell the straight tequila he was sweating out and started laughing! It was SO bad. But then I had the strangest hankering for a margarita.
Thats what happens when I drink tequila. lmao.

Now I want a margarita.

Ahhhhh! Gross!
Lol @ "holy balls"
My fiancé sweats tremendously after he gets drunk....ok hammered and especially after drinking liquor. He tries to snuggle and I have to escape his grip so I don't get drenched in sweat lol
Well, my weekend was good, the workshop went very well and Rosco must have been shot by Cupid because he was so focused on me and he did so great! We both learned a lot. It was a long drive, thankfully Leo drove almost the whole way back. Then I got my mail when I got home, and got some terrible news, that made my wonderful weekend high go away. >:| I'm debating whether to share or not bc I'm so mad and embarassed but oh well, y'all are my friends. Anyway, I got a note from my gynecologist, and it said I have mother******* chlamydia! :mad: I was furious, I turned to Leo and said some things that I cannot say on here and then proceeded to put on his welding gloves and then tried to kick his ass. I ended up crying halfway through. We have been together over 3 years. How the hell does he expect me to believe that it just magically appeared?! I called my doctor the next day and the nurse said that it cannot stay dormant that long. Sooooo wtf?! We both went and got our damn medicine, I made him go get checked but the dr decided not to stick the cotton swab down his pee-hole and just wrote him a prescription. Ugh! He claims to have never done anything with anyone and I want to believe him so bad because well, ya know, I don't feel that he would but I have NEVER been unfaithful so how does it magically appear? It doesn't. It just doesn't. We both have no symptoms at all. Nothing seems out of wack. I just don't get it. I have never had an std, hell, I don't even like sex all that much! This really really sucks butt. He keeps swearing up and down that he hasn't done anything and I do too.
So I'm a bit depressed but Buster and Rosco sure do make my day lol. Rosco is cuddling with me on the couch, hehehe. And this morning Buster was being a clown and hopping around and doing some half binkies haha. I think he knows when I get ready to eat cereal because he acts all kinds of goofy when I open the Cheerios box lol. Oh I just thought!!! Perhaps Cheerios would be a good training treat if I cut them in half because he eats them rather quickly. Anyway, I gotta get up soon and try to get to work :p'''
I'm glad that you had a good weekend at the workshop, that sounds very interesting.

I'm sorry that your weekend was...shot to hell, to say the least. I'm not sure what to say though, it really sucks and sounds a bit fishy to me. My crazy girl brain goes to bad places when I hear stuff like this and my inner "gotta know" monster tries to come out and figure out what the hell is going on. I swear, when I was a teenager I was like a PI. I would hack some stuff, ask some questions, snoop here and there and find out everything I needed to know. It was magical. Anyway, I'm sorry that it happened to you. That really sucks.

Its amazing how bunnies make you feel so much better! hhaha. They're so sweet.
Katie, great to hear it went really well with Rosco, he´s such a handsome dog but them I´m biased cos he´s a boxer lol.

Wow, don´t know what to say, it´s a really difficult one but there´s so much information nowadays as to how you get it, etc that I know you must be really mad but also hurt. I´m much older than you so I´ve been there and done it and got the medal. Doesn´t make me feel good but life is sometimes a bitch. At some point, you´ll probably have to bring it out in the open again, don´t let it eat at you and talk about it all you need to to get to the bottom.

And Morgan, I´ve done some of the things you suggest but then depending on what you do, you get to trust issues and, to be quite honest, if the trust has gone, ýou´ve got big problems.

So Katie, whatever you do, put yourself first and don´t make any rash decisions when you´re hopping mad (no offence Buster).

Glad to hear Buster is his adorable self and keeping you occupied.

Thanks guys. Yeah, Im horrible at being a detective and we have no friends to question anyway. I agree, if you have no trust, you have nothing. So I am trying to get to the bottom of it but not getting anywhere.

LOL hopping mad ha! :pinkbouce:
I might try to train him something new today :)
My MIL cheated on my FIL for 9 years. 9 YEARS! That is unbelievable! But she doesn't know I know and she doesn't know my husband knows. My FIL told me when he was in a pill induced talk-your-ear-off-state. I didn't want to know that! I mean, he told me 6 months into us just DATING! ahahaha. I was like...wow! Thats insane. Thats one of the reasons I don't like her, the whore. haha. Sorry, this probably doesn't make you feel better.

But like Lisa said, couples most passed this stuff all the time. It will be okay whatever you decide or how ever your proceed. It just really sucks. Like, theres really no other thing to say other than...wow that blows. And I know we're all sorry. It can not be easy and I would never put anyone in that situation and I'm sorry you're in it now!
I'm not the best at pep-talks. I'm a bit of a brute when it comes to the girly sort of thing. I'm like, pat you on the back tell you to man up sort of thing. Or if you're my kid you can sit on my lap in the rocking chair. You wanna sit on my lap? LMAO. Sorry, we just crossed into weird.
Katie, after I read it again, I just googled it and checked how you can contract it cos I knew but wanted to be able to tell you that there is a miniscule chance of catching it some other way but heck, there isn´t.

So, we´re sure it´s not you so it has to be him and Lisa is right, he has to own up to this and be honest with you to have any chance of moving forward. If he can´t do this for you, the trust is gone and you maybe will never be sure of him again. Yes, decide what YOU want, if you can accept it and get over it then that´s your choice but he has to be truthful with you and respect you.

I´ve been in a long term relationship with someone who was unfaithful and it just cuts to the core and fills you with self doubt but it´s not you, it´s him. Be strong and make the right decision for you.
ugh, my tummy feels sick now. POO! lmao at Morgan! Haha, I am horrible at pep talks as well and I dish out tough love, "ah get over it! It's not the worst thing in the world" etc etc etc. or....my favorite time....I changed the subject. Friend was so sad and crying by my oven...I looked at the hime on the oven and it was 3:04 I laughed ans said "HOE! 304 upsode down is HOE!" it surprisingly worked.

Thanks guys for your kindly words. (Right?! Why would I lie to my bunny friends lol, that cracked me up!) I know it is a huge touchy subject. My nurse told me the same thing, she beat around the bush for like a minute with all these big words and then shes like "well i hate to beat around the bush but, it will not stay formant for that long" that hurt..so I cried a little on the phone, talking to a stranger, how weird is that? So, I talked to him about it this morning and (usually I can tell when he's lying) he didn't look like he was lying. I wish my dad was like the dad on "meet the parents" and could get out the lie detector test. He thinks that (*OK CHILDREN GO TO ANOTHER BLOG NOW!) it was from a (wink wink)..ring of some sorts, or (wink wink) some kind of toy we used once.... but the store can't possible accept returns of those kinds. And I doubt that the infection/bacteria could live on that especially if it's not a warm environment. I am guessing....my best guess...that he got HAMMERED one night and something happened, and he has no recollection of it. (He has a history of not remembering some nights) I would forgive him but my golly, he is going to have to make some changes...(i.e, no drinking, no strip clubs, no leaving past 12am, etc) I am just so confuzzled on how this could have happened, usually he just sits right here at home and drinks with Richard. Every once in a while they go to the strip club but seem to USUALLY make it home at a decent hour. There was however, three times in a row that they went to the strip club. Because Hector was here, bc my dad got in a big fight with his wife, and because Richard got in a big fight with his woman (that night they stayed there for 30 minutes and went to a little bar). Other than that, he has school and work so he is usually in bed early each weeknight. And he swear up and down again that he has NEVER done anything at a strip club with any of those women because the one they go to charge like $300 for a BJ but other than that they have a "no touchy!" policy...so I don't understand. It really does cut deep. I wish he would just say "YEP I DID IT I AM SORRY! YOU MAY CUT OFF MY ____, I LOVE YOU MY DEAREST KATIE!" I would slap him across him face and say, "I FORGIVE YOU MY A-HOLE LILO!"

"My MIL cheated on my FIL for 9 years. 9 YEARS! That is unbelievable! But she doesn't know I know and she doesn't know my husband knows. My FIL told me when he was in a pill induced talk-your-ear-off-state. I didn't want to know that! I mean, he told me 6 months into us just DATING! ahahaha. I was like...wow! Thats insane. Thats one of the reasons I don't like her, the whore. haha. Sorry, this probably doesn't make you feel better. "
Lol, that made me laugh so it did make me feel a bit better.... poor Father-in-law. :'( see, everyone always asks "when is your wedding?!?!?! :D" and i say, well we don't know we aren't rushing into it because we don't want to split the sheets two months into marriage. "But you've been engaged forever!!!! Dont you know that he's the one?" uhhhh yeah but OBVIOUSLY WE ARE HAVING SOME PROLEMS!!!! AHHHHHHH!

other another note....hehehe did yall watch mariachi loco? hehe. I like it :B
Katie, I am so sorry to hear that something like this has happened to you, and I'm not sure really what to say, but I do have to tell you a little story on my end.. or maybe a kind of long story, sorry.. I am hoping it may help a little, but it might not. My boyfriend I am with right now, he was my first sexual partner. I didn't go to a gyno before him, we started having sex and I decided to go to the gyno to get my birth control, etc. The first year of course I came back all clean, which means he was also clean. THEN, the second year it came back as me having HPV.... so I was in the same boat. Like WHAT the ??? Where did that come from!? DID HE CHEAT! UGH!!! Also wouldn't be dormant either, I was so pissed and upset.. and I actually can't even remember how I got over it, but I did...

Then the next year after that I came back clean again, and have ever since. What I don't understand is.... it doesn't just GO away, so I think there was a mistake with the testing, or I got a false positive, etc.

I realize it's two different things and two different situations, but maybe this helps a little?

It's really hard to give your heart and soul to someone, and to trust them completely. I am very very glad Mike doesn't go to the bars very often, or to parties, and he is not a strip club type of guy... I wouldn't be able to handle it, I'd probably go insane. It's really really hard to trust someone 100%... I do trust my boyfriend, but I can't say I trust him 100%. I don't trust ANYONE 100%.. with great reason. Boys suck and I really truly hope that Leo didn't do anything and that he's being completely honest when he says he didn't... and if he DID do something I really hope he'll come out and just admit it to you.
I also couldn't imagine my husband going out or going to strip clubs. I would not be married to him, but thats just the kind of gal I am. I'll share my story with you. Pretty soon after we got married, we were living in a tiny apartment. My husbands friend came down from Pittsburgh, that night I wanted to go to this fish house and eat some fried fish. But his friend called and said he wanted to hang out, I said go get him and we'll go get dinner if the restaurant is still open. He said okay. Well, it was already like 9pm when he left. He didn't come back until like 5 am. I was so pissed. I was sleeping when they came in. I asked him the next morning if they went to a strip club, he said yes. Then I asked him if he went and saw this one girl that I really hated at the club she worked at. He said no. Then I checked his phone like the creeper I am and found that he deleted all the texts except the one where he asked her if she was working! I was LIVID. Like have never been that pissed in my whole life. I still get f-ing mad when I think about it. OMG, I'm going to be mad at him when he gets home because he sucks! AHHH. He said he didn't go there for her he went there because his friend used to talk to her way back when they were teenagers. I mean, its not even a nice club, my husband only had a t-shirt on and usually you can't get into the nice clubs without a collared shirt on. I was not happy and I tortured him for like a year after words. That was like...2 years ago. I really hated him and I hated that he lied to me and I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue on with this marriage and with him. I was so disappointed and hurt. Because I really didn't like that girl! If they had gone to any other place I wouldn't have been mad, but here they go to this nasty place with that nasty whore of a girl.(he didn't do anything though, his friend is a moron and I've since banned contact with that tard.) Yuck. I was pissed.....and I still am! I am like a 5 time Golden Grudge Holder Winner. I can hold a grudge like you would not believe. lmao.

That probably doesn't make you feel better, but its just to show that you're not the only one. You're not alone in this! We all love you! We're all rabbit buddies and that has to be the best kind of friends!
Whitelop - OMG. I just got furious just READING that!!! UGH!! Guys are just so stupid! It drives me bonkers! And I just found out with you typing that that you and I have a whole ton in common! I am not the type of girl who can be okay with my husband/boyfriend/fiance going to a strip club, etc. and I also am REALLY good at holding grudges, too. AND get mad about things that I think of from way back when that I should be long over! (It's so hard to forget, you may "forgive" ... more like I just put it to the back of my mind and hope I can forget it and hope it's never brought up.)

The worse is when you bring something up and they lie to you about it. Like, when my boyfriend n I first started dating *(ugh now I'm gunna be mad at him, too)* he was still signed up for "OKcupid" which is a dating site, and I saw that he had recently gone on it, and I asked him why, and of course got all upset, he said it was to delete the profile.. (Mind you we were only together for prob about 6 to 8months at the time, which was enough but not like now where we've been together for nearly 4 years) we went out to eat with some friends and when we came back I went into our living room (we had our own seperate living room) and he was out in the main living room with his friends/our roomies.. and so I took it in my own hands and decided to investigate.... and NOPE, the profile was STILL there, and matter of fact was even UPDATED!! I was furious! Updated with the cat his parents gave him a month after we were dating, and also his new job and everything. I was so so mad and... of course VERY hurt. And I still am just thinking about it. I did look through the messages etc, because he claimed that he didn't even message anyone at all, etc.. and he really DIDN'T!! I was happy about that, but I mean I'll never truly understand why he kept that open, you know?

Another thing that used to hurt me beyond belief is he used to talk to his ex gf randomly on the phone.... like one time I was sleeping over and his phone rang in the morning (not real early or anything) and it was her.. and he'd go in another room to talk to her, I actually stood outside the bathroom listening..nothing bad was said, but I mean really.

Idk.. I hope it makes you feel better to know we've all been through some crap. But I am seriously unsure how I would've handled if he DID cheat on me :\

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