ugh, my tummy feels sick now. POO! lmao at Morgan! Haha, I am horrible at pep talks as well and I dish out tough love, "ah get over it! It's not the worst thing in the world" etc etc etc. favorite time....I changed the subject. Friend was so sad and crying by my oven...I looked at the hime on the oven and it was 3:04 I laughed ans said "HOE! 304 upsode down is HOE!" it surprisingly worked.
Thanks guys for your kindly words. (Right?! Why would I lie to my bunny friends lol, that cracked me up!) I know it is a huge touchy subject. My nurse told me the same thing, she beat around the bush for like a minute with all these big words and then shes like "well i hate to beat around the bush but, it will not stay formant for that long" that I cried a little on the phone, talking to a stranger, how weird is that? So, I talked to him about it this morning and (usually I can tell when he's lying) he didn't look like he was lying. I wish my dad was like the dad on "meet the parents" and could get out the lie detector test. He thinks that (*OK CHILDREN GO TO ANOTHER BLOG NOW!) it was from a (wink wink)..ring of some sorts, or (wink wink) some kind of toy we used once.... but the store can't possible accept returns of those kinds. And I doubt that the infection/bacteria could live on that especially if it's not a warm environment. I am best guess...that he got HAMMERED one night and something happened, and he has no recollection of it. (He has a history of not remembering some nights) I would forgive him but my golly, he is going to have to make some changes...(i.e, no drinking, no strip clubs, no leaving past 12am, etc) I am just so confuzzled on how this could have happened, usually he just sits right here at home and drinks with Richard. Every once in a while they go to the strip club but seem to USUALLY make it home at a decent hour. There was however, three times in a row that they went to the strip club. Because Hector was here, bc my dad got in a big fight with his wife, and because Richard got in a big fight with his woman (that night they stayed there for 30 minutes and went to a little bar). Other than that, he has school and work so he is usually in bed early each weeknight. And he swear up and down again that he has NEVER done anything at a strip club with any of those women because the one they go to charge like $300 for a BJ but other than that they have a "no touchy!" I don't understand. It really does cut deep. I wish he would just say "YEP I DID IT I AM SORRY! YOU MAY CUT OFF MY ____, I LOVE YOU MY DEAREST KATIE!" I would slap him across him face and say, "I FORGIVE YOU MY A-HOLE LILO!"
"My MIL cheated on my FIL for 9 years.
9 YEARS! That is unbelievable! But she doesn't know I know and she doesn't know my husband knows. My FIL told me when he was in a pill induced talk-your-ear-off-state. I didn't want to know that! I mean, he told me 6 months into us just DATING! ahahaha. I was! Thats insane. Thats one of the reasons I don't like her, the whore. haha. Sorry, this probably doesn't make you feel better. "
Lol, that made me laugh so it did make me feel a bit better.... poor Father-in-law. :'( see, everyone always asks "when is your wedding?!?!?!

" and i say, well we don't know we aren't rushing into it because we don't want to split the sheets two months into marriage. "But you've been engaged forever!!!! Dont you know that he's the one?" uhhhh yeah but OBVIOUSLY WE ARE HAVING SOME PROLEMS!!!! AHHHHHHH!
other another note....hehehe did yall watch mariachi loco? hehe. I like it :B