Well-Known Member
Here they are again,
Daytona knocking at the door to see if his brothers can come out to play...
oooo did you drink the water?Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't been around lately but, i've been really sick. I was rushed to the hospital last night. I have been feeling awful since we came home from Mexico, and went to the walk in clinic to get some meds.They weren't helping at all, and I became dehydrated. So my husband took me into the hospital and they hooked me to an IV and gave me some demerol(sp?) and some gravol. I feel somewhat better today but i'm really tired.
Back to the boys, I haven't been able to spend much time with them in the last few days, but they are doing fine, eating drinking, POOING! LOL
When I feel better i'll post some more pics, they are just way to cute!