Hello from Monkeyville!
Tina you'll be happy to know the Monkeys are slowly getting back into mischief! LMBO!
Today Peter was on the computer and Tucks was having his free time,when all of a sudden, one of our gates toppled down...:shock:It's the gate under the computer, which keeps them (supposed to):Xfrom getting into the wires... What happened is, Peter moved the garbage can, which blocks the gap between the wall and the desk, into the hall to take down stairs to empty. So it left JUST enough room for his big bum to squeeze through!
You'll also be happy to know that they are getting REALLY angry at mum,because you see, they can't come out and run around, causing ruckus through the house! They let mum know how angry they are by, banging,chewing on the bars, thumping, and tipping litter boxes over, in the night! Nutty Monkeys!
We've actually had some very warm days here... so warm we had to put a fan in their room. Which by the way they both LOVE!!!!! I had it aimed as high as possible, and had it rotating around the room, so it wasn't blowing directly on them, but they moved to the highest spot in their cages to get it to blow on them!
It's been nice enough that Peter and I have been doing lots ofwork around the house! We FINALLY got to stain the back fence and deck... which took ALL of last weekend! Two 8 hour days!:shock:and then yesterday Peter built a deck on the front of the house, and I put a pond in the front garden! I got out all my little frog statues! ( I LOVE frogs, even got a frog tattoo!) and put them all around the pond and garden. We have to finish putting up the railing, and then i'll take a picture so you can see what it looks like! I'm getting a sign made for my garden "FROGS PARADISE" and when I can plant, i'll be planting Gerbera daisies, and ornamental grass, to give the pond effect a more natural look!
Today we worked a bit more on replacing our moldy shower...:?The new ones in, we just have to put the drywall up tomorrow, and then that part of the reno is done! YAY!
I also forgot to tell you, I got Annies portrait on Monday! It's all framed, and looks AWESOME! We've decided to put it up in the hall by the front door, so EVERYONE can see it! I JUST LOVE IT!
So if you're wondering where I had disappeared to, that's what's been going on!
PHEW! I need a break! LMBO!