Last night was VERY quiet in the jungle, a little TOO quiet...
So do you think I could sleep?????? I was totally exhausted falling asleep on the couch, but when I went to bed I just laid there!
I finally get to sleep, and my hubby comes to bed and watches TV! URGH!:XWell after a few minutes of that, I was up! This is at 2 am!
So I lay there 'till about 3:30am, and just realize, the Monkeys haven't woke Daytona, or myself up AT ALL! So then I lay there, just waiting for a sound, ANY sound... nothin'
So I got my tired butt out of bed and wondered into the jungle, Daytona not too far behind, who by the way kept peeking on them through out the night, and even slept a while in here... awww what a sweetie pie!
When we reach the jungle, all is VERY quiet... so we tip toed in and peeked around, Tucker I think spent most of the night chewing on little blocks of wood, and Buster was flopped not too far from his food...LMBO!
They both ate a bit, and when I got up Tuckers has been pooping fine,Buster I can only see urine...:?but on closer inspection a bit later i'm sure some will turn up. It always does...
but it's a gorgeous day here in Monkeyville, and we are attempting to stain the deck!!!!!

I'm dying to get out my patio furniture,have a BBQ, and drink some beers! In a month the pool will be open...say Tina, Carolyn, common over!