Buster and Tuckers Neuter.........

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Well we've been home now for a couple of hours,Buster has since then stopped eating, FINALLY!!! and they BOTH enjoyeda big salad! Although I had to put the plate right next to each of themfor them to eat...

They're both soooooooooo tired!

I'm sooooooooo HAPPY to have them home. We go back for a check up on the 25th to make sure everythings healing alright!

Again, thank you all soooooo much for your kind words, and checking inas much as you have, it really means ALOT to us jungle folk!


We're BOTH eating as we speak!!!!!

Now I just have to get up at 7 am and try to give them both pain meds....

For the next three days, i'll look like swiss cheese! LMBO!!!!

Bunny burito's anyone????? LOL!:)

Ok, so I think i'm going to bed now... it's been a LONG day...

talk to yah' tomorrow!


OH! I forgot to mention, i'm supposed to keep the MONKEYS! quiet for 10 days....

ROFLMBO!:DYEAH RIGHT! How do you keep MONKEYS quiet?

YAY!!! :) :)

Monkeys are eating and Home and in Mom's care again.

What is it they say Lyndsy? Ya can't keep a good man down? ;)

Those Monkeys pulled through because they're not done having a good time and making Mom laugh.

Bless All of your Hearts tonight. It's been a trying week. Sleepwell...they made it through the hardest day and they're eating as well.That's spectacular! :dude:

I am so glad the boys are doing do well.They are eating and everything. How awesome! I hate to say it but howin the world are you going to kep those two quiet? This should provevery interesting indeed. Give the Monkeys kisses from me. Hugs for youmy Dear and may all in the Jungle sleep well.


Good morning to all!

Well you're NOT gona believe this one! I just finnished giving theMonkeys their pain meds... OUCH by the way! Buster LOVED the stuff! Hesat there and licked it right out of the syringe! LMBO! Tucker on theother hand has become MUCH stronger since the last meds I had to givehim...:?Holey Moley! He can move! Nutrical a little harder toget in them with being a paste and all...

But needless to say, they've had their meds for the day! YAY!:D

Well I let the monkeys out yesterday, to run aroud for a few minutes.

First Tucks because he's been chewing on the door since yesterdayafternoon! and he hopped around, I got a few binkys as well. Thenwhenhis 5 mins were up, I called his name and said time to go home, andhe hopped right into his cage.:D

Then my little Buster got to come out, he was SOOOOOOO HAPPY! The firstthing he did was lick my leg and give me a binky! He just ran inciclres around me, sniffed Daytona a few times, and pooped EVERYWHERE!LMBO! before it was time for him to go home too. For him Ijust call him and clap my hands a couple of times and he goes right intoo.:D

We took our pain meds good again today. Buster just LOVES that stuff,he sits there and waits for it, and then I don't have to hold him, Idon't even have to touch him! He just licks it as it comesout of the syringe! LOL!

Aww! Bless their hearts!! Thanks for the goodnews. They're so happy to be home with Mommy, Daddy, and the thirdmonkey. :) :) :)

Buster's such a little stinker. You never know what side of the cointhat little guy is going to choose. If you think - heads, he alwayswill choose tails. What is that with him loving his medication!?! Youlucky devil, Lyndsy. I can't believe he loves his meds. :shock:

And Tuccckkksss...what a little gentle babe. Bless his little heart.

So glad to hear that they're moving around okay and having fun.

Sounds like it's going to be a Great Day in The Jungle! :dude:

So glad you got them neutered together. It does seem like it worked outjust perfectly and now you don't have to stress - knowing that they'reboth all set and good to go. What a relief, and how great is that howquickly they came around from this procedure.

Good work, Mom. Give them kisses for me. (By the way, Tina said themonkey shot I put up representing Daytona was just "wrong." :X She saidhe was much too ugly to pretend to be Daytona. I thought he was cute.The hair on their head seems to be flipped the same way! :? )

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
My vet told me no litter. Weused large strips of newspaper.

Glad to hear the boys are doing so well.

What did you put in their litter boxes?

My new boy was neutered Wednesday. I've been using newspaperand wondered what you were doing for themonkeys.The newspaperis messy andsmelly! I can't wait to switch back to the Woody Pet!

Carolyn, LMBO! The pic is rather entertaining, and the fuzziness of the monkeys hair doeas resemble Daytona...

I'm glad I got them done at the same time too. I don't think I could'vegone through this twwice to be honest with you...:?I thoughtit would take longer for them to come around as well, but, they snappedright out of it, hours after surgery. I mean they tire out quiteeasily, but other than that, we are eating normal today, and Tucks hasbeen chewing on the door to come out, so they must be fine...

They've been exploring, and everything today!:D

I'm using news paper as well, I change it twice a day, to cut back onthe smell, and I've got the window in thier room open as well for somefresh air. but I agree I can't wait to get back to the usual litter!

Ican't believe you two could even think thata big goofy monkeywith a messed up looking noselooks like Daytona:X. Daytona isWay Cuter:cool:. Daytona Sweetie don't you listen. You are one gorgeousMonkey. Your mom is just too sleep deprieved Hun.:p

It amazes me how quickly they are bouncing back. I understandwhat you mean about getting them both done together. Christa and Hopiare both going to need to be spayed. I will be such a mess. I'm hopingI can get them done together also.
