Buster and Tuckers Neuter.........

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It will be okay. I wish there wassomething I could say or do that would make it easier on you. I justwant you to know that I am here for you Sweetie. Try not to worry ok.They will be ok, I believe that with all my heart. You and the boys arein my prayers.

Hugsfor you and everyone in the jungle.

The monkeys are ready for this and you have agreat vet, Dear Heart. I know they'll be okay.Remember to keep the focus, this will extend their lives and leave themless frustrated, territorial, and aggressive. The doctorstoday are so much better at these operations than they were - even tenyears ago. Rarely is a rabbit lost on the tableanymore. Your boys are young, strong, healthy, and at theright age to do this so they'll bounce right back.

YOU, on the other hand, best take a Valium, and call it a day.

Well i'm starting to get ready for tomorrow...

my vet called today, she remembered how I was with Daytona, and wantedto reassure me. LMBO! She said they ar VERY healthy boys, and full oflife, and she performs this procedure on a daily basis, being the onlyREAL rabbit vet for a large area, that I have NOTHING toworry about...

I thought that was VERY nice of her. She also assured me that all thegirls in the office know we are comming tomorrow and will be in earlyto see Daytona, as he goes EVERYWHERE with us.(seperation anxiety) Hehas girlfreinds ALL over the place, the groomer, the pet stores, theparks, :?the dogs a chick magnet... LMBO! No wonder PeterLOVES taking him out...

So I know i've got NOTHING to worry about, she's always EXTRA greatwith our boys, she fell in LOVE with Katannah, and talks about himevery chance she gets, and Daytona was a bit of a challenge for hertoo, and now the monkeys...

The first time she met them, she looked at Tuckers ear and said, wellhe's missing an ear and still tips the scales... and Buster she dubbedthe "TROUBLE MAKER" as the whole time she examined him, he bit,scratched, and PEED on her! LMBO!:D

You should see them right now, running around the house, binkying,stopping to eat some salad every once and a while, nudging my legs,licking my toes, they've got it made right now! They have'nt bee inthier cage ALL day! Since 7 am they've been running ammuck through thehouse. POOPS EVERYWHERE! LMBO!

This is what it's ALL about isn't it?

Wish us luck...

Just wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow. Iam sure the boys will be fine and you will be a total mess! LOL! Usmomas always seem to get bothered by things with our babies more thenthey do themselves. Gentle nose rubs for Tucker and Buster.
Luck has nothing to do with it Sweetie.You and all the Monkeys will be not only inmy prayers but my thoughtsas well. I am here no matter what ok. If you need anything at all justask.

Well 1 hour to take off:?

The monkeys are having a little snack right now, but are unusally quiettoday. Normally they run to thier doors to see me, but today,nothin'... they lifted thier heads to see what the ruckus was, and thenput them back down.

I should go, i'm procratinating BIG TIME here, as you see i've been upfor an hour now, and haven't got off the computer and we have to leavein less than an hour...:(

So i'll keep you updated, i've got ALOT of stuff to do toady, but when I hear something, you'll know!

I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayerstoday. My new boy, Napoleon, was neutered Wednesday and he'sdoing fine.

The monkeys are tough little guys. They'll be fine, too.


Thinking a lot about you and the monkeys today, Lyndsy.

Well we went, the monkeys were sooooooo scared, they were shaking:(

Poor babies, I had them do blood work first to see if there were any problems with the kidney, or liver.

They checked over them, and said they were in good health for theoperation. Buster sat bey the door of his cage thumping the whole time,and Tucks was huddled into a little ball in the VERY back of hiscarrier.

So they said they'd be ready for pick up around 4-5pm tonight, and that I can call this afternoon for an update.

I've already disenfected EVEYTHING! the bars, their boxes the floor,out in fresh towels, news paper in thier boxes, cut a doorway in thierboxes, cleaned thier bowls, and hay racks. ANYTHING to kill time....although i've got an appointment myself this afternoon, so that'll takeup some time!

So when I call this afternoon, i'll let you know how it's going!

I'm thinking of you and the Monkeys. Thisis such a good thing. I can't wait to hear an update. We love you andthe Jungle deeply.

Tina, Jeremy, Apollo, Chirpy & Chicks
Poor Monkeys - PoorLyndsy.

They'll be okay.

You'll be on my mind.

Argh, waiting is the hardest thing to do!

When I got my boys done, I was so worried about them being sore andsuch, but they were wanting to run around, jump on everything. I feltbad about keeping them in lock down in their cage, but didn't want themhurting themsevles.

I swear, it's almost harder on us than them.


The Monkeys are DONE! and RECOVERING!!!!!

I JUST got off the phone with the vet, and she said Buster wentfirst, and did WONDERFULLY! He is now EATING! fully recovered, awake,not moving too much she said, but she was SHOCKED that he waseating!

Tucks was still kinda out of it. She said he's taking a little longer to come around than Buster did.

When I was talking to her she said, 'Lyndsy, those boys DO NOTlike to be held AT ALL, do they' I laughed and said 'I warned yourtech.' She said Buster SCREAMED when she went to pick him up! Littlemonkey!

In thier blood teat, she said thier ureathra count showed a lowlevel, but it was nothing of concern to her at thier age, she said ifit was high, it would mean the beggining of kidney failure, but NOT toworry. They are fine!



So at 4:30 I getto go and pick them up! YAY!

I just wanna say than you to all of you for caring as much as you have, it truely means alot to me...

Carolyn, thanks for talking to me today, it kept me busy, and it was really nice to finally hear your voice!

That Buster, neverstops eating! Silly monkey! :pI'm so glad everything wentquickly and smoothly. How funny that she commented on them not likingto be held! Haven't you had them since they were really small? That'sfunny that as social as they are, they are so grumpy about that! Ican't believe he screamed at her!!! :shock: Glad they arecoming home in just a few hours! Then Mommy will be happy to have thebabies home again! :)


Way to go Monkeys. I am so glad that it's over. How wonderful. Now Mommy won't be so worried.

Buster iseating somehowI am not surprised that he is the one eating;):plol. The poorguy screamed... what a little stinker scaring everybody. Poorguy.

Tucker will be up and eating in no time. Way to go boys. We are so proud of you both. What Good little Monkeys.

Auntie Tina loves you both verymuch

Lyndsy I am so happy for you Sweetheart. Now you can relax a bit yea? Try ok.



Before The Operation:

After the Operation:


