Well i'm starting to get ready for tomorrow...
my vet called today, she remembered how I was with Daytona, and wantedto reassure me. LMBO! She said they ar VERY healthy boys, and full oflife, and she performs this procedure on a daily basis, being the onlyREAL rabbit vet for a large area, that I have NOTHING toworry about...
I thought that was VERY nice of her. She also assured me that all thegirls in the office know we are comming tomorrow and will be in earlyto see Daytona, as he goes EVERYWHERE with us.(seperation anxiety) Hehas girlfreinds ALL over the place, the groomer, the pet stores, theparks, :?the dogs a chick magnet... LMBO! No wonder PeterLOVES taking him out...
So I know i've got NOTHING to worry about, she's always EXTRA greatwith our boys, she fell in LOVE with Katannah, and talks about himevery chance she gets, and Daytona was a bit of a challenge for hertoo, and now the monkeys...
The first time she met them, she looked at Tuckers ear and said, wellhe's missing an ear and still tips the scales... and Buster she dubbedthe "TROUBLE MAKER" as the whole time she examined him, he bit,scratched, and PEED on her! LMBO!
You should see them right now, running around the house, binkying,stopping to eat some salad every once and a while, nudging my legs,licking my toes, they've got it made right now! They have'nt bee inthier cage ALL day! Since 7 am they've been running ammuck through thehouse. POOPS EVERYWHERE! LMBO!
This is what it's ALL about isn't it?
Wish us luck...