bunnys the worst treated pet

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yeh i heard this on Radio1 this afternoon when iwas driving back from tesco. Makes me mad and sad. what shocked me mostabout this story was not only that some of these rabbits are left insmall hutches for thier whole life and never come out but that somepeople actually don't give them food and water, so they are sitting ina tiny hutch starving to death and totally dehydrated. grrr makes me somad:mad:

i think people should have to register pets then there should be peoplewho go and check on them every year or something, it would help cutthis type of neglet down, wouldn't stamp it out because i'm sure somepeople would just not register, but i think it would help. mind you ifthey did do that and start convoscating pets off people there would bethe major issue of what to do with all the convoscated animals.

i just wish people would think and properly research things before theygo and buy a pet, that applies to any animal, even things as small asgoldfish because granted they are easy to look after but even they needfeeding and to be kept clean.:sigh

poor bunnies, i wish i could round them all up and look after them :(it just doesn't make any sense to me how someone could negleta little bunny, they are so cute and give so much love back just forthe simplist things you do for them. i mean what does it take for thesepeople just to fill there food and water up everyday and bring them inthe house or put them in a run for a hour or so eachday?:tears2:

anna xxxxx

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