How do I know when to discontinue Ned's medications? He's been treated for the ear infection for a month and a half now and is still on the Zithromax/Pen G routine. He has 1 shot left, which will be given to him next Wednesday (got 1 last night too). He has about a week and a half left of Zithromax. Good news is that as of a couple days ago, he seems to be at least 99% better now and his head only turns to the side a tiny bit sometimes. For instance, right now he is meatloafing and has his eyes half closed but his head is straight. In the past, when he was relaxing is when you could tell the most that he was tilty.
My instinct is to just let him use up the rest of the meds and see what happens, but I'm rather concerned that he'll relapse within a few days and we'll have to start all over again because the infection will have come back as strong as ever.
Also how likely is it that Neddie will get an ear infection again at some point in the future since he's had it once before?