Well-Known Member
I just called and made Ned an appointment with his regular vet (not the emergency vet we saw Sunday morning). It is for Wendesday morning. For once I was able to get an appointment right away, it was amazing! They even had one available today but I decided to wait a couple days to give the Baytril a chance to kick in, sound like a plan or should I call back and try to get the appointment today or tomorrow?
Later this afternoon I'm going to call the vet and ask them if they can have the vet call me at her convenience today or tomorrow so I can ask her if she'd actually prescribe more medicine for him. As I mentioned earlier, taking him to the vet again if she won't prescribe more medicine seems kind of like a waste.
Later this afternoon I'm going to call the vet and ask them if they can have the vet call me at her convenience today or tomorrow so I can ask her if she'd actually prescribe more medicine for him. As I mentioned earlier, taking him to the vet again if she won't prescribe more medicine seems kind of like a waste.