Well-Known Member
How do you trim a bunnis teeth, while we wereout of our state becouse of our son surgery we had a unny to diebecouse hr teeth grew to long and she could not eat, she was one of ourfavorite buns,we do not have any bunny vets us so we have to doeverything on our own
.On a happer note we had 3 new kits born, theyshould open thereeyes any day now.
Oh, my sons surgery went gretthe docors said that he done better then anyone else that had had thattype of surgery before (he had to have a bar placed in his chestbecouse his breast
bone had caved in and moved his heart over in to his lung and oused himto lose lung function) he's up doing almost everything as before, hesaid that he could breath a lot better now than he could before hisheart is almost in its correct place now.
Oh, my sons surgery went gretthe docors said that he done better then anyone else that had had thattype of surgery before (he had to have a bar placed in his chestbecouse his breast
bone had caved in and moved his heart over in to his lung and oused himto lose lung function) he's up doing almost everything as before, hesaid that he could breath a lot better now than he could before hisheart is almost in its correct place now.