Bunny spay pictures?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2019
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United States
Hi everybody,
Does this look normal to you I tried to take a picture as best as I can. There’s like this red cut thing.
Is that normal did you buns look like that?
I’ve been paranoid since I took her to the vet lol
Hey Shad2000
That pic is a little unclear. As long as the wound is not bleeding, your bunny isnt picking at it or showing signs of pain, she'll heal. It has to be a little red, but dried.
Try not to stretch her skin too much. So limit hopping and jumping just for the next few days. Also, look out for use of her litter box, and eating/drinking.
Best of luck ❤️
Bruising or bleeding? Have you been speaking with the DVM? Are you keeping her quiet? Limiting her mobility in a small to mid-size dog kennel crate? Is the surgical glue keeping her outer incision line sealed?

Did you receive post-op instructions from a Certified Vet Technician OR the DVM after her spay?
Have you sent a clearer picture to the DVM for her advice?
Hey Shad2000
That pic is a little unclear. As long as the wound is not bleeding, your bunny isnt picking at it or showing signs of pain, she'll heal. It has to be a little red, but dried.
Try not to stretch her skin too much. So limit hopping and jumping just for the next few days. Also, look out for use of her litter box, and eating/drinking.
Best of luck ❤️
Thank you :) wish your buns and you the best too! She keeps on wanting to stand on her hind legs and hop too. I was able to get a photo of her while she was standing up for a while. Still kind of blurry lol95823EDD-5932-44A1-9546-8A2FE8414AA6.jpeg
:) she’s doing much better still walking a lil slow but eating:)
Looks normal to me. I would just keep an eye on her making sure she doesn't try to pick at it. She'll likely reach down to lick and groom it, but if she seems to be spending a lot of time trying to groom that area, you will need to stop her and check to make sure she isn't chewing at anything. If she does try to then you are going to need to take steps to prevent that from happening.

She'll hop and move around. You just don't want her having a lot of space that she will run around or hop up on things.

If you aren't sure, phone your vet. You could always email the picture to them.
Looks normal to me. I would just keep an eye on her making sure she doesn't try to pick at it. She'll likely reach down to lick and groom it, but if she seems to be spending a lot of time trying to groom that area, you will need to stop her and check to make sure she isn't chewing at anything. If she does try to then you are going to need to take steps to prevent that from happening.

She'll hop and move around. You just don't want her having a lot of space that she will run around or hop up on things.

If you aren't sure, phone your vet. You could always email the picture to them.
I haven’t seen here trying to pick at it she grooms her back feet and does reach down there for cecotropes. Should I stop her if she eats them?
No. You want her eating those. You just don't want her messing with the incision site, but it sounds like she is pretty much leaving it alone which is good.
No. You want her eating those. You just don't want her messing with the incision site, but it sounds like she is pretty much leaving it alone which is good.
Thank you! And can she lay on her belly and stretch herself? She stretches when she she done sit or laying down sometimes.
She also walks with barely moving her back legs with her butt sticking up while using her front legs to move herself mostly. You think that’s normal to? Lol I worry to to much I know
Remember she's just had her reproductive organs pulled out of her. That's bound to cause some amount of pain and discomfort. Did the vet send pain meds home to give to her?

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