Cheetos mom wrote:
From the info. I have read, you're not really supposed torub their keysters, nor the length of their ears - why not? Especially,if he likes it?
I'm pretty sure the idea is to not rub those areas because a lot ofrabbits don't like it. If your bun likes it, I can't imaginewhere the problem would be. :}
My Meat Bunny enjoys pets starting at her nose, up to the top of herhead... bonus points if I have a finger behind her head, kindofscritching the nape of her neck at the same time. She alsoenjoys it when I run a thumb & forefinger up the sides of herhead, from just behind her whiskers, under her eyes, up to hertemples. Her favourite, though, is firm rubs at the base ofher ears, with or without strokes along the length of her ears& gentle ear-pulling.
If Meat's in the right mood, she also enjoys full-body strokes,head-to-tail. If she's particularly wound up, I can scratchthe base of her tail, & she'll start spinning in tight circlesaround my hand. I can control which direction she spins bymoving my hand from one hip to the other. IfMeatgets *really* into it, she'll grunt and/or thump, all the whilecontinuing to spin. I've wondered in the past if she'sgetting upset more than enjoying it, but Meat's never been shy aboutrunning & hiding (or even lunging & biting ;P ) whenshe doesn't want my attention, so I think she's just eccentric. ;D