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Hey everybunny

my name is Peapoo. im 1 and a half yrs old and a holland lop *bestbunnies ever*:bunnydance:...I am the queen ofmy house..i own5 humin slaves and a bun slave some of you maynoasPetey.. i like to spend my days doin bunny flops andbein pampered by petey

enough about me...i cant wait tolearn moor aboutsome of you guys

hey everybunny,

my name is Petey.. my humans say they think im around 1 and a half yrsold and they think im a holland lop *how could they not know:(*.. mylife revolves around the love of my life Peapoo.. i love to spendtimegrooming her in our bunny mansion.. she might not admitit , but every now and then she actually grooms me too:D

Hello Everyone,

This is Bandit here. Holly is still at the vet's. I hope she is okay.

Anyways, I'm about just over a year old. Mommy was told I wasa Mini French Lop when she got me, but she seems to think I'm just aMini Lop. But as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter whatbreed I am, I'm still handsome, Mommy seems to think so too :) I'mneutered, that sure did suck.I am pretty lazy, Ireally do just love to lay around a lot. Except when I get toplay with Holly, that's a lot of fun!!

I'll tell you a bit about Holly

Holly is a Holland Lop. She will be 6 months old on Apr.16/07. She's a nice girl. Loves to binkie and runaround! She loves to chew any cardboard she canfind. Mommy bought us both a Cottontail Cottage, Holly hasalready started to chew hers.

Well that's it for now.

Talk Soon

Hi this is Jackie, I'm known athome as the Princess. I am 3 1/2 years old, my Mommie andDaddybought me and my brother well actually he's my boyfriendWilbur when we were really young (actually Daddy picked me, Mommiedoesn't like when I say that though).

They thought I was a boy so they namedme Jackfirst. But after a few weeks Wilbur was gettingquite fresh with me, so they had to take me to the man in the whitecoat to see if I was a boy or girl. They should have knownright away that I was a girl because I was so feminine. Wellit turned out I was a girl so they changed my name to Jackie.Me and Wilbur have our own bed room with two big cages (long story I'lltell you another time). He's really bossy sometimes, he always tries toget food away from me, but that's ok because Wilbur gives me lots ofkisses. I better go now and give Wilbur his chance tointroduce himself.


Princess Jackie:apollo:

Hi my name is Wilbur,my girlfriend & Iwerebought together. I think the store told Mommie &Daddy we were Mini Lops. We both weigh about 5 1/2 poundseach. I think I'm cuter but don't tell Jackie that.Mommie and Daddy call me Oloff that's "Crazy" in Macedonian.I'm a Good boy all the time, I don't know if Mommie and Daddy wouldagree though. Both Jackie and I are white with gray ears, Ihave more gray on my nose than Jackie. That's a good thingMommie could never tell us apart when we were Babies, she still has ahard time now if are cute little Bums:bunnybutt: are facing her.

I better go now I hear Mommie coming up the stairs.

Hugs to all the cute Girls out there.


Hi this is Buttercupknown as the King of all bunnies. I'll be 9 inAugust. Mommie and Daddy got me when I was really young about5 weeks old (but they didn't no better back then). I am veryloveable, I like to sleep in Mommie & Daddy's arms.

I don't have a cage as I live in the family Room. I'm a goodboy I don't chew on anything that I shouldn't. WellMommie & Daddy put wood all around the sofa and love seat, itlooks real funny, they didn't want me to chew it. I've onlychewed on cords and carpet and the old furniture so I don't know whythey don't trust me.

Any way I'm the oldest of 4 bunnies, I was alone for over 5years then they went and bought these 2 funny looking bunnies with bigears, then they bought another one with all this fur on herface. She's kinda cute from a distance though.

I better let the funny looking one introduce herself now.


Hi my name is DaisyMae Dutchess of Ajax, I'm the cute singlemane Lionhead. I am white with a black spot on my back and ilook likeI haveeye liner on all the time.I'm the baby of the family. I am 1 1/2 years old. Ilive in the computer room, so I see Mommie and Daddy alot and they letme run around lots to.

Mr Tumnus I want you to know that I have to share this blog withButtercup but you are my one and only true LOVE.I will send you a message soon.

Daisy Mae "Dutchess of Ajax":bunnydance:

Hello to all the new bunnies that have posted.It is so nice to see your introductions here. We've got such a widevariety of bunnies - all different shapes, sizes, colors and ages.

If you're a bunny who is lurking...please post! We want to know who youreally are (and not just what your person says about you in the humanarea).

The BunFather
The name is Pickles and being cheeky is mygame!!Megirlfriend (human) loves me to bits but her pet gets abit jealous of all the attention she gives me. Me like to rub itin.Me house is in the lounge room under some pesky pig likecreatures house.. (those damn guineapigs get the Penthouse) but unlikethem me get to roam the house. Me love to chew paper, sometimes me girldon't like it though....she keeps raving on about it being importantbills or something. One time me chewed me some paper CD cases (her petweren't too happy about that don't know why, me didn't swallow it ornutink)Now they lock me in for the night.... but me show them.. bymorning me skitzing round the house and they don't know how me got out.Its magic!!! Sometimes they call me houdini... i kinda like it.Wellbetter go, me saw some nice looking paper on this desk!!!!!Me Pickles!!
OK, so who was hiding the computer,huh? I'm Pumpkin...and my human, Grace, thinks she's sosmart....she got a laptop, and so I thought they'd gotten rid of thecompoooter....however you spell it.....anyhoooo....so I'm minding myown business, just out for a hop and a binky, and what do you think Ifind????? There she is, my slavegirl....wasting valuable timemessing on the computer.....after some severe foot-flicks and snubbing,I nudged her off and decided to introdoooooce myself....I'm an oldlady...6, or so they think....and I certainly don't remember the day Iwas born.....my momma got me from a lovely college student who hadrescued me from a couple who NEVER EVER let me out of my cage.....Ilearned how to amuse my self by myself, so I'm a solitary bun.....and IDONT CARE FOR THAT OTHER DUDE THAT LIVES IN THE DINING ROOM.... I'msure he'll try to nudge his way in one of these days....my boy, Momma'sson, took one look at me and knew I was the right bun for them....Mommawasn't so sure, cuz i kinda bit her just a little bit when she washolding me that one time before they 'dopted me.....gee whiz, it wasjust a little bite, but anyways....they brought me to my forever home,and i've been happy ever since....lots of time to play and sleep andbinky (no one had ever seen me do one before), and when we have thecage bars between us, i even give my momma and her boy kisses....it'stoooooo scary to do it without the bars....anyway, that's me....andwhen my momma figures out how to use her camera, they'll be picchures (hope that's how it is spelled) on here of me.....did i mention that i'ma black bunny....they think i'm part rex and part somethingelse....mostly i'm just hungry....thanx for putting this cool secshunon here for the really important ones to type.....boy am i glad mommaclipped my nales....otherwize, it'd be really hard to get the ritekeyz.......bye for now, i hear the food bag rustling.....
Hello fellow bunsters - I'm Brody, theenergetic, zippy one! :jumpforjoy:My mamma is TweedBunny. Im about 8months and came to live at my house when I was a baby. I don't remembermy old house but my mamma says it was a nasty crowded place. I likespinach leaves, cilantro,the blueberry bushes out back, andthe corners of my mommas scrapbook paper. I'm scared of the noise thewind makes in the palm trees outside and also the birds hopping aroundthe bird feeder.Camo ismy best bud, he can be alittle stingy when it comes to showing affectionthough.Here's Camo...

Hellooo... I'm Camo, the older, more mature, betterlookingrabbit. :muscleman:My daddy found me acouple of years ago after I'd escaped from another backyard in searchof a warm place to sleep. I remember it was reeeallly cold thatnight.... brrr.... below 20 degrees. He caught me and put me in hiswarm car and took me to a place with lots of smelly cats and dogs. Istayed there for a few days, scared of everything, but then my mommacame and brought me to my new home. They don't know how old I am, andI'm NOT gonna tell them, hmph... Brody is my best pal, even though he'sjust a kid. He gives me great baths, so I let him stayaround.In my spare time I like to pull on the carpet and layon the cold tile. I have a sweet tooth so I like papaya treats, yogurttreats, and strawberry tops. My mom has a hard time getting me to eatanything else! I'm a little bit scared of moving shadows outside atnight, I thump my feet at them. Me and Brody get along great! :hug:
Hai my future slav-....friends!:bunnyangel:

Mi namee is Oblivion but you cans calls me Obli or OB forshort!Me am onle ten weeks old,but me type rilly gud!Iawlaysusse compooter wen Mrs."hug-a-loot" is sleep.Me amawlso scared,cuzMrs.HAL said tis willy weird wurd called a"nooter" And was poting at me!:cry4:Aneway,me amglad tooo met everybuns!

P.S-I'm using Mrs.HAL's acwount rite now,I ned to get me owns!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ava but mommy calls me Avie. I just got to my new home 3weeks ago. So far its okay. Im begining to like my new mommy more andmore. I get lots of time to run around, occasionally i sit on mommyslap.. but usually im much too busy exploring other things. and when itstime to go back in I always get at least another 3 minutes of momchasing me around the kitchen. I think its quite funny. I also like tolounge around and sleep i just flop onto my belly anywhere at anytime.My favorite thing to eat is cilantro. You'd be surprised how fast i cangobble that up. Im about 8 months old now. I spent the first 7 monthsof my life up for adoption. I lived at a shelter and then was movedfrom place to place until my mommy found me. I live with two doggies.One of them im bigger than but we like to sniff eachother through thebars. The other one could care less she minds her business i mind mine.Im soo excited to hear from other bunnies. See you all later.


ps. i went outside today.. but i decided id rather stay in the pen and relax. seee....

This is LuLu. I not only own a human, but I also own two other rabbits.
I'm really big. I scare the cats when I hop around. Hopefully thosecats will leave soon. Slave Char doesn't like them much either. If theyleave that other stupid human will go too. I don't remember his namebut I know he doesn't wash dishes very often so when Slave Char goes torefill my water bottle (like I make her every day), she complains aboutthem.

I currently cuddle up to bunslave Martin more than Nuge. Slave Char hassaid something about moving and I don't know where we're going but sheassured us that it's not far. I don't know why I don't get to pick outwhere we're going. It's not like it's up to her anyway. She thinks itis, though. I suppose I can just let her think that for now.

She's been trying to get my two bunslaves to get along, and it doesn'tseem like she knows what she's doing. I like both of them (Martin alittle more) but I don't know why they can't get along. I declared usall friends but there was some major disagreement. My pen is dividedinto two. Martin or Nuge gets the smaller portion and I get to sharethe large portion with whomever I like. Except for Slave Char. She hasto stay outside of it unless she's getting us new litter, or new food,or more hay.
I hope they'll get to get along soon. Last December is when I recievedMartin for a new pet. He was alone in a smaller cage all by himself fora couple months because Slave Char thought he needed neutered. I got mystuff all fixed up! We can go have our own kind of party! But she kepttelling Nuge and I to keep quiet and to let him sleep so his underpartshealed up good. He's much nicer now. I'm glad to have such awell-trained slave. I don't know why she thought she'd just take him inand foster him from the shelter. Since they didn't neuter him maybe shethought she should. She's crazy like that. But now she's stuck becauseshe can only have two buns to enslave her especially now since she'smoving. And it seems like my slave Nuge might have to go, unless we canall be friends, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I hopeNuge's first daddy can take care of him again, because it was supposedto be a temporary thing in the first place. But, I am rambling.
I must let you all know that since I control these other buns and thehumans here, if you are in my area, you are my slave as well. I am notjust LuLu, but I am princess LuLu and I deserve all the raisins in theworld!
I put a picture in here of all three of us, although slave Martin has his head on mine. We got along really well this day.
Ava wrote:
Hello Everyone,

My name is Ava but mommy calls me Avie. I just got to my new home 3weeks ago. So far its okay. Im begining to like my new mommy more andmore. I get lots of time to run around, occasionally i sit on mommyslap.. but usually im much too busy exploring other things. and when itstime to go back in I always get at least another 3 minutes of momchasing me around the kitchen. I think its quite funny. I also like tolounge around and sleep i just flop onto my belly anywhere at anytime.My favorite thing to eat is cilantro. You'd be surprised how fast i cangobble that up. Im about 8 months old now. I spent the first 7 monthsof my life up for adoption. I lived at a shelter and then was movedfrom place to place until my mommy found me. I live with two doggies.One of them im bigger than but we like to sniff eachother through thebars. The other one could care less she minds her business i mind mine.Im soo excited to hear from other bunnies. See you all later.


ps. i went outside today.. but i decided id rather stay in the pen and relax. seee....
How appropriate that our 5000th member is a BUNNY!!

Congrats to Ava!!

H-h-h-hi, my name is Sakura and I'm very very shy. It took me a couple of weeks to get up the courage to come on here.

I'm a blue fox netherland dwarf bunny, I enjoy towl digging, binkying, doing the bunny 500 and pooping on every available surface.

N-n-n-nice to m-m-m-meet you!


Hi! I am Coconut. I am a tort Dutch doe. I am six and a half weeks old.
Sakura wrote:
H-h-h-hi, my name is Sakura and I'm very very shy. It took me a couple of weeks to get up the courage to come on here.

I'm a blue fox netherland dwarf bunny, I enjoy towl digging, binkying, doing the bunny 500 and pooping on every available surface.

N-n-n-nice to m-m-m-meet you!


Sakura, you are the most beautiful bunny ever. Even beautifuller than me! Don't be so shy, Pipkin and I will be your friends. We would like to get to know you better.

Your new pal,


(Come visit us at our Bunnicula's Castle blog and you can see what we all look like, too!)
Hey, I'm Moomin!

Or...as mum calls me ''The Great And Ostentatious Moomin'' GOSH what a mouthful!

I'd prefer one of hay but meh...i get that on tap anyway.

I'm one year old as of yesterday and i'm a Lionhead/Netherland Dwarf cross, I'm white and smokey grey.

Mum says i'm cute...ALL THE TIME! she just says it when i'm lookin at her, lying down, asleep, eating, drinking or even grooming myself!

Doesn't matter though...i like the attention, gotta go!

Mum's walking in the room and i don't want her to have a heartattack at the sight of me at the keyboard.

Ciao, Mr. Moo.
Okay, so we're not new. We've just changed our name!

Butterscotch: you mean taked MY name!!! :X

Tyler: you look annoyed, uncle Butterscotch. Smile.smile smile smile smile! :biggrin2:

Goose: come on guys, sharing is caring. Now mommy, kindly turn on the TV for me...

Benjamin: It's callen imminent domain, son. it's a fact of life. You'll get used to it.

Anyway, you get the picture. Butterscotch is now sharing his account with the other bunnies, so

Butterscotch: AM NOT! you taked it from me!

So, like I said, Butterscotch is sharing his account, so we've changed our name to be a better name for everybunny to use.

Greta :) and the Gang of Fur :brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny


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