Bunny Intwodushions

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G'day everybun! Cinnamon the Cinnabun here, from Oz! I am a 5 month old mini bunny with uppy ears and a sooty fawn coat that iz bwediful if I do say so myself! (And I do!)

I sharez my house wif:
* my hoomin mumma Amanda
* the big hairy man
* two short hoomin beans called Laurent and Lily
* 3 hairy dawgs called Sierra, Hope and Shadow
* da ****** cat Jasper who tries to steal mah food!
* lotsa foster kitten-kats

Plus mah mumma haz sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, doves and guinea fowls but I don't see dem 'cept if dey iz liddle babies and needz to be inside da house till dey is biggah.

Mah mumma bought me from an auction where dey were selling to meat buyers! EEP! I iz glad I comed home wif my mumma! Mah mumma had me taken to see Doktor Walter a widdle while ago and I haz an opperashun called a spey, which mumma sez means in a few dayz I get to go pick out a boyfriend to 'dopt! I iz SO excited, but mumma is even MORE excited and binkies all ovah da house like cwazy!

Anyway, I gots to go! Talk to ya laters!
Hi my name is Marshal I has a wife. Her name is Lily and ti luvs her!! But she kwept Cheetin on mes!!!!:cry2She just had a litter of Choclate and Lilac Kits with CA...CA...CAPPY!!!! BLECK!!!:yuckI wate him tho MWUCH!! Anywhoo I ams a black himmilayan and I wons my master a whole whotsa BIS and BOB prises! Swe always said I ham her bwest bwunny wabbit wever in the wole world! Lily is a lilac dae and I just luvs Her swo mwuch!

I luvsya all,

Marshal and Lily:coolness:;)
Hi everybun! I'm Timothy, AKA: Tim. My Mommy (Cirrustwi) has been a member here for a long time, but she wasn't very active for a long time. Mommy had a lot happen in her life and even didn't have any buns for a little bit, but I came into her life as a second thought really. Mommy was going to pick up my best friend, Elliot, and she fell in love with me too. She didn't know what she was going to do because she didn't have room for 2 boys, but she said we'd have to be friends for a little while, but we were friends until the end. Elliot went to the Rainbow Bridge just a little bit ago, and I'm very sad, but Mommy says everything will be ok.

Anyway, I'm the head of the Critter Crew around here. Being a big French Lop, I even tell the dogs how it is. I'm not scared of those boys! They aren't so tough. I think the turtles are interesting, but I'm not sure about their shells, they sort of taste funny (I really did taste one)! I tried to taste one of the Bearded Dragons when she escaped, but she tasted me, so I guess maybe she is my boss. We all let Mommy think she is the boss, but...
YELLO!! my name is Madrox i have a bro named Monoxide. Our mom is crazy! but we love her. Monoxide is her fave now ithink because he gets alot of love but then she get me out and get it too.
Wats up! All you crazy bunnies! Its me JUDE with his brother FIBBER! Jude:Hello I am a blue sr. buck! I am also......... Fibber: OOH! OOH! Let me guess ladies MAN!Jude:WAIT!!!! how did you know wat I was going to say!!!Fibber: WELLLLLLLL......... That little Wiggles down thier has been Flirtin upa storm wit you!Jude&Wiggles: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi im barney!
i live in northamtonshire and i love eating cucumber!!!! its like those really cold stuff hoomuns have but its tastier(not that ive tryed hoomun food. i only eat wabbit stuff)but then at one point sparney split a carrot in half gave some to me and then ate the other half! i though she wudnt eat wabbit food. i had to go to the vets for myxionmytozies(myxomatosis) injections a few weeks ago(*shudders*).
its a shame when i go into the house for humins coz i cant go into the room wiv dah fluffy stuff under my feet, well once i did do some buisness behind a curtain, but i had to go!so i can only go on the tiles where my slave can wipe it up.:sweep
i sit outside in the rain if it rains and im in my run, i thought the weaver sud be hot! not rainy! and then slave calls me a slly but handsome boy, so not cool! even if it doesn't seem like it i am an angel, honest!:innocentalso, she has taught me tricks!!! i now know that house is for homins and home is for bunnies, arent i a clever boy!:D

I :heartbeat: fluffball. her cusins lil doe. i love you like i love cucumber and carrots!
My name ish Chloooe and my hooman iz Sarah. I ish a cheekyy bunnie and likes to choo on cardbord. nom nom. I ish vvvv spoilt an d thumps when i dont get mi own way or gets my treatz ball stucky! Mwhaha my hooman is under my pawws.

Mummy bought a new bunnie home last weeks so i cans have a friend. i'm nots so sure though...does thiz leave less raisons for me?
Hazel: Hello, I am Hazel-Rah, King of da Bunnies. I am a girl, but I am still King! I am almost a year old, and I am a lionhead. I have full run of Mister and Da Lady's bedroom, except for where Fiver's pen is.

Fiver: Hewo. I'm Fiver and I'm a wescue bunny. Mummy says I'm a sable point, but I dunno what that means. I'm only wittle but mummy said I can be one at the same time as Hazel. I just had an opewation at the vet so I can move in wif Hazel on our birfday. Some times I jumps out of my pen to twy to move in wif her early, but mummy or daddy put me back fast.
Hello there I am wiggles as you Know Judes gal. Darn you fibber sorryit has been so long since I have talked to Everybun!:)HUGS+KISSES=Wiggles I am kinda tired so I gots to rest goodnight!!!!:bed:

Hi everybun. I is new here.

Hi Pipp. It's wewy stwange but I hab da same nickname as yoo: The Pipster. Except mine is spelled a bit diffwently. Cool huh?!

Anyway it's good to meet everybunny. I is a 1 year old English spot or a Hotot. Mommy can't figure out which coz I hab da eyeliner but I also hab the markings.

Pippin - Bearer of The One Banana Ring
Hewo evwebuddy. My name is Kaira (short for Caramel!) I is a Holland Lop fuzzy!

I has a temporwary boyfwend... but i dun like him so much. He seems nice... but all he wants from me is my body. :( Are dere in buns out dere dat wouldn't just want me for my body??

Anyways... I has a very nice hooman. She likes to pick me up n cuddle me and pet muy forehead.

Oh and da avatar is me! :) I'll talk to all of you buns laterr.
Hewwo! I am River, I am a bwoo dutch bun, I was supposed to be a meat bun *shudder* but my momma rescood me,my warren is made of:my mate Pepper is a rex/mini lop with over sized ears...and my daughter Snip is mine and some dwarf bucks...(silly stud bunnies)I'm in newyork, and it's way too hot here! Anybunny want to be freinds?
Hello all you other bunnies out there. I is Fru-Fru girly name for a boy I knoz. I wiv in an appartment and yes I run the whole thing. I wiv with my mommy and her hoomen friend, the hoomen friend won't allow me in her room cuz I eated something she called important, We wiv in a place mommy calls kentuckie. I have a fwiend mommy callz a cat and I likes him okay but he trwyz to eat my food and is allowed in the important room.
Heywro evweybunny! My name is Kaira (short for CARE-UH-MEL -- caramel) :) Hehe. I is a Holland Lop mommy, and my hoomin is Kirstin. She wuvs to cawwy me awound evweywhere!


Dat is me on da right! And dat is Bwizzard on da left.


I'm Hawkeye teh one hoo luffs yoo. I am a hall-land lop an' Winry's seester.

I'm Winry, the smart blond with the randomly straight ears (I AM a holland lop, I promise!!) Hawkeye and I are sisters, and I dont care for Random much but I put up with the li'l twerp cuz Mandy likes her.

I'm Random, teh random bunn dat show'd up at mah Slave's house wun mornin'. I too am a holland lop
Update from Winry

We have recently found out that our dear friend Random is the love of my life, and is a boy. I am expecting babies by accident. My slave took him away for a few days and I was sad. He then came back and seems to be missing a couple of parts near his bum. He also smelled funny, and I refused to sleep with him for one night as punishment for him deserting me. I also stopped caring to let my slave hold me.. Partly because of the babies, and partly because I'm still mad that she took my love away from me!!

Oh, and I think Hawkeye might be having babies too. She's getting fat, and Random looks guilty.
hi my name is Benjamin. I am definitely the bossss!! of my humans. I snuggle with mommy at night, I'm pretty big so mommy says I am an armful. Daddy gets jealous. He tried to couple my cuter antics the other day by scratching at the bottom of the bed and bounding up to lick mommy's arm. She just laughed and shuwed him off. Mom and I are so bonded. Not daddy, just when mommy isn't home and I need something. As I said I am a big guy, about 15 pounds. Mommy has changed my food to timothy grass hay and pellets from alfalfa. I don't like it. Think I should go on a hunger strike, but I get toooo!!!!!!!!!!! hungry. So I am mostly eating vegetables. That will teach them. Mommy had to go out in the rain to pick them yesterday. I sat in the window watching her and laughing. I live with my two humans, used to have a dog, but I didn't like him so he went to live with my human auntie on a farm. Told you I was the boss. The other human who lives here, mommy and daddy's grandson, who is 19 has a cat. The cat tried to ride me like a horsy holding on to my ears so he is only allowed on the deck and Brendan's room. Ha Ha told you I was the boss. The birds are okay they are in a cage, but come out in my yard ( in their cage ) when the sun is out. I have a corner of my yard with really tall grass. I play "I am the tiger"in the long grass. Jump out at mommy and wish I could scare that cat. Nice to talk to the rest of the bunny bosses out there.
hewo! mwy name is lollipop. i am 8 weeks owd. i am wittle. i was taken fwum my fwends and buwthers and sistews and now i am at some pwace where i cawnt see the sun and stawrs!! but i wike it. hope u wike me!!:biggrin:

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