Bunny grooming

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May 2, 2015
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Hi so I got my bunny tofu about 3 weeks ago now. We have been making some good progress getting to know each other and she likes to come out of her cage and sniff around etc. she's not particularly comfortable with pets outside of her cage yet which is fine we're taking our time. But she is a lion head rabbit and super fluffy and needs to be brushed I would assume regularly, but she won't let me brush her. I've tried wetting my hands and petting her also and she's having none of that. She seems to be pooping less also which is concerning to me I would like to make sure that she doesn't have a blockage or have one start. Any suggestions on how to encourage her to let me groom her in some way?
I forget how old your bunny is, but I feed my adult rabbits each one Oxbow Digestive Support tablet once daily. It is supposed to help with overall digestion. Because it's important to brush her fur, maybe you could pick her up and brush her on your lap somewhere she might be too scared to jump down? We have to do that for nail clippings. I know it might seem like breaking their trust but they don't know what's best for them. And offer a treat throughout the torture, oops I mean brushing ;)
I agree with Stevesmum. I think you have to groom her for her own health, so you need to take a "none of that nonsense approach". If I were you I would take her to a place that she has never been (the bathroom, spare bedroom) because they tend to freeze when they are in a strange place, then brush her. If she tries to get away just keep putting her back where she was so she learns that while you are grooming she has to sit still. Be gentle, but be firm.

Not to scare you, but I used to be kind of wimpy about brushing my Jersey Woolies and would only brush for 10-15 minutes at a time, a little every day so as not to make them mad at me or stress them out. Then one got wool block, even though I had been brushing, and she died. So now my goal is to get all the loose fur off my rabbits so they don't ingest any fur, I use a furminator— which I have heard people say is to strong of a tool can leave bald spots etc... but its worked great for me. I brush as long as it takes, even if they get mad at me, Its for their own good. I also clip if I need too.

Also, if you have a super fuzzy breed rabbit its a really good idea to read this article about wool block, and gut-slow-downs, GI stasis. If you notice less poo, or her poo is getting smaller, there probably is a blockage already forming and there is good advice here from a DVM. http://www.rabbit.org/journal/3-7/gi.html
You could ask your vet if giving laxatone would be appropriate to help push any hair balls thru. They make it in a malt/maple flavor which most buns love to eat! I agree with those above, go in confident because the bun can tell how you're feeling so if you're nervous they'll be nervous. When I have to hold my bun I hum (Johnny cash's you are my sunshine) and he seems to calm down so you may want to try that!
Best of luck!!
Amber Nik See, I do that too! Only I sing "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" to my bunnies while I groom or pet them. It really helps ;)

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