Bunny food

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Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I know this tends to be a touchy topic, but I was wondering what thoughts are out there on something that I saw at the store today. I saw "Gourmet" rabbit food that had corn and seeds as well as pellets. I'm not sure what else was in it as I didn't look at the ingredients (I should have because now I'm curious).

I'm not buying this food, I just thought it could be an interesting conversation :devil
Those mixes are just junk food. They are designed to appeal to people with little to no regard to the health of the rabbit. One issue with these mixes is that the rabbit tends to eat the bits they like and ignore the more healthy pellets.
It is best to not buy these products at all. Save your money for healthy foods and you will have a healthier rabbit.

Treats that look similar such as seed sticks, seed and nut mixes and others are the same, junk food. There are much healthier treats out there.
Agreed, plain pellets are the best pellets. Pellet mixes look better to owners, but the rabbits wil just pick around the healthy parts and select what they want (like a kid picking the marshmallows out of their cereal).
Never fed my rabbits that stuff, but anytime I've heard of anyone feeding it, it seems that the rabbits turn into junk food junkies, and end up only wanting to eat the 'treat' pieces out, end up fat, or end up getting sick with digestive problems. Plus whole corn kernels can cause GI blockages, which can be fatal to rabbits.
I'm no bunny expert, but those were the same thoughts I had when I saw it. It looks interesting, but oh so unhealthy.
I agree with everyone else. Those foods are total junk.