bunny behaviour

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May 9, 2005
Reaction score
Msida, , Malta
Hello everyone! I have just joined thisforum. I'm a new bunny owner. My little Bobby is adwarf rabbit and he's naughty and cute. His hobbiesareeating, munching, producing littleballies,skiping and running around - not very original isuppose.

I had a few questions maybe someone can help me. Why dorabbits lick their owner? Is it because they like the taste(maybe after touching some food there's still taste in my hands) or isit out of affection? Does anyone have a rabbit that sometimestries to bite? Mine does. Is it because he getsnervous or annoyed or is it only for playing? For example,yesterday he was nearly asleep on my lap as i petted him, then a momentafter he woke and started to bite my fingers (trying to bite cause hedidn't really bite). Anyone can help pls?


When they lick you, it's a very good sign. Thatmeans he loves you and is "grooming" you. Same for the nibbles. Asharp, hard bite would usually mean "Get out of my space" or just"Leave me alone right now".

Sounds like this little guy loves you though. :)
Welcome Aboard,Ann,

I agree with the others. When a bunny licks you,it'sa sign of deep love. They're grooming you, andthey only groom the ones that are nearest and dearest totheirheart.

The nibbling could be a sign ofbeing aggravated, but if it'sthe typewhere youjust barely feel their teeth, thatcould be a sign oflove too. Some bunnys do thatinstead of licking or in addition to.You'llwthe difference between the two by the degree of pain.

There's an excellent website explaining rabbitbehavior.Here's link - I'm sure you'd enjoyperusing through it.http://www.muridae.com/rabbits/rabbittalk.html

Also, you might check out the post - 2nd from the top - called TopPicks. In there, there's a link to "A Cheat Sheet for RabbitCare". You can check out the notes, the suggested books, andwebsites. There's a lot of informationin there, andI'd suggestgo through it when you have a moment.

Bunny kisses are the best. Our Pepperloves to lick, especially when we lay down on the floor withher. She will come running up and kiss all over me and myhusband's face. She especially likes to lick around ourhairline and play in our hair. We pet her and kiss on herback and she really seems to love it. She really hasn't beena biter yet... occassionally though, she will pull a little too hard onmy husband's goatee sometimes and he will say "Oww!" pretty loud andshe is a lot more careful or she will stop. If your bunnybites too hard.. I would suggest doing something like that.They really seem to understand that they hurt you and they usuallydon't want to. Welcome to the forum.

Thanks very much for your answers andsuggestions. May i ask someting else? From whereare you? I'm from Malta (Europe) a little island in theMediterranean. I suppose the forum has lots of members fromdifferent countries. Thanks to everyone. It's nicehaving someone to share bunny-experiences with.

Sorry guys, i've just seen the side of thescreen. Yes it's true lots of different countries - you'reall so far away.....! Good to have new friends from abroad.

Hi Carolyn,

i'm trying to post a new message in the new members section (i've justdiscovered it) but i don't think i could post it. Could youkindly check whether i've really sent it several times!!

If my tries weren't good, could you pls put this message on my behalf:

"Hello everybody. I hope i didn't do a mess cause i've triedto post something but it seems it wasn't sent. I wanted toask a few questions. Do rabbits get quieter when they becomeadults? Mine is about 2 months old and he's aspeedy-rabbit. It's difficult to catch up with him.How old mustrabbits be in order to be consideredadults? Also, any suggestions on how to train your rabbit tobe picked up / handled?

Any suggestions / experiences would be greatly appreciated.I'm a new bunny owner from about 4 weeks and i still have a lot ofquestions!!!!



Thanks a lot
Hi Carolyn

It's me again. I think i succeeded in some way.I've never been in a forum. Can anyone give some hints on howto use and send pls !

Thanks very much


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