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Jun 4, 2005
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If everyone tells me a little bit, I think I can learn how to take care of them.
Ok sorry for being vague.

I do not have any bunnys. I hope to get one, preferably a little one like a mini or holland lop.

Could you give me information in these three categories, like this?

Daily Care

  1. blah
  2. blah
  3. blah
Weekly Care

  1. blah
  2. blah
  3. blah
Monthly Care

  1. blah
  2. blah
  3. blah
Thanks! Oh and also, if I made a base for this(http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524441780770&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026391&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023695&bmUID=1117912118830)with coroplast, would it make a good bunny cage?

Also, what can you tell me about free range? Because I would like the bunny to have free range in my bedroom.
Its great that you are finding out all the info before you get your bun.

I think you will find its all in the care guide, daily chores include,feeding, grooming, exercise, weekly is usually a full clean of thecage, most people clean out daily or whatever you bunny needs. Thereare other things to consider like neutering, vaccinations and anyunexplained vet bills.

The cage is more for exercise you would be better off making a N.I.Ccondo http://www.cavycages.combecause bunny's can jump very high you are better off having cage witha closed top.

When you say free range I assume you mean house bunny, there are thingsyou need to do like litter training, and bunny proofing your home. Hopethis helps
Yeah, I have a C&C cage for my twoguinea pigs. I was under the impression that they didnt worktoo well for buns, however. Thats why I thought that if Imade a Coroplast base for that pen, it would be nine square feet whichis bigger than I could make a C&C cage, easily anyway.
Most of the members on here have N.I.C cages andthey all love them they are great for bunny's, if you don't want tobuild a large N.I.C cage what about buying a commercial wire cage forrabbits?
Oh, I dont mind building a NIC/C&Ccage. Do you have to put a roof on it? Or do youjust make it two grids high. For a 3-6 pound bunny, how manygrids, x by x would the cage need to be?
Well what bunni would you like i saw u thinkingholland or mini either one would be nice lops have nice temperment buti the minis he he good luck whe nyou get your new bunny keeps usupdated xx

I don't think she has one yet!


They tell me that shots aren't routinely given here in the US. That seems to be more of a UK thing.
LOL, I dont have a bunny yet.

Would a one by two c and c work if the bunny had constant access to therest of my bedroom? The bunny would have free range of myroom, and in the cage there owuld only be things like the food, water,and litter box, and the bunny wouldnt spend much time in it.

Would taht be okay?
My 8 bunnies have the full run of my bedroom andbathroom, and don't have cages at all. I don'tknowif I would advise this if you have carpet though, you can pretty muchpotty train a bunny to pee in a litter box, but the poo's seem to endup everywhere( I just sweep them up with a broom). It is alsoeasier to litter train them if you start them out in a cage or aconfined area, and once they start using the box giving them more andmore space to run. The other major thing is tobunny proof all wiring, they LOVE to chew on any type ofwires. My naughty little guys chewed through my phone linesand took out my computer before I learned this lesson. Evenafter all is said and done you will love having a rabbit for a pet,they are so worth the time and effort.
I like that you can change upthec&c cages that you make yourself. We areon our third reincarnation of the originalcagewalls. That cavycages is a great site to giveideas for buildingyour own cages. (aamandshawnthanks for posting that link! very cool!) In my searchIfound these websites very helpfulhttp://www.michiganrabbitrescue.org/condo.htm

http://members.aol.com/bunrabtoo/neatcubs.html(greatgraphical drawings!)

The cage version we have now fits nicely with our space limitations butalsogives our bundifferent levels (3 levels high)with acoroplast flooring on upper two levels (cover withmaise squares or blanket/towels) , but the bottom level is where thelitter panis... Fluffy kept kicking out litter&occasionally littering the flooron thatlevelso we got somegreen plastic coated hardwarecloth and made the bottom floorso thata removablecoroplast tray (that stows away under the wire floor) which we linewith paper, could catch her litterremnants. Now shedoesn't lay or walk onlitter in her cage since she has longhair and helps her keep clean. It falls through the wire nowinto the tray. I didn't want to use wire florrsatall, but she doesn't have to spend all her time on it, and it makesclean up a breeze.

The coroplast tray was easy to make.. lightweight.. works great! Ifound the plans how to make it here...http://members.aol.com/bunrabtoo/neatcubs.html#tray

Good luck and have fun! My experiance with our first bunny isamazing! She is so full of personality.. has different moods(snuggle bunny... wild bunny... obsessive bunny.. etc.) Thething I have found so amazing is how clean she is.. and how she smellsso sweet without ever having been bathed (& she's 5 months oldapprox).... sometimes I swear she smells ever so slightlylikechildrens play dough... but there isn't anyin the house.. wedon't have kids.... anyway... congrats on doing yourhomework! A book I found at the library by Lucille Moore hasbeen a great read... it's called 'a house rabbit primer".. there arelots of good ones though... the more you know the better...but your bun will teach you too... I look forward to hearingwhat breed you decide on... enjoy the process of finding your ownspecial bun! It took me 4 visits before I finally brought onehome.... she liked to be held.. that's how I knew... goodluck! LA
I am not sure that I want to have a free rangebunny after all. I think I will make a big cage, like thatplay pen (9 sq feet... :shock:) and put a coroplast base in it and thebunny can live in the basement in the big cage with lots of playtimeand perhaps supervised time with my guinea pigs. I would liketo have towels on the ground, and aspen shavings in the litterbox. Sound good?

This is what I gather for my three tables.

Daily Care

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Playtime
  4. Clean Litter Box
Weekley Care

  1. Swap out and wash towels
Monthly Care

  1. Clip nails
Am I missing anything?