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The towels are fine for some rabbits, but otherschew on them. This is bad and could cause an intestinal blockage. Justwatch your bun and take them away if she chews on them. Another optionis grass mats- rabbits love to chew on these, and that's okay! You canfind them in decorating and hobby stores (untreated, please) or onlinein bunny supply stores.

Get a small bag of the aspen and see how it works for you. I find it tends to travel too far.
Under weekly I would add giving the bunny a onceover...a good looking over/feeling to make sure you don't noticeanything out of the ordinary....

I get the maize mats at Pier1 for one dollar per square foot...they are untreated and cheap so I don't care if they tear em up!
Kathryn wrote:
If everyone tells me a little bit, I think I can learn howto take care of them.
They like to eat timothy hay at least my Pepper loves it.Fresh watereveryday.Pellets are food they are suppose to eat,but my Pepper hatespellets by them self,so I give him pellets mixed with other stuff likehis nuts & seeds.Also,they love treats.Watch out for your cordsand carpet,because rabbits chew. Also,they like to sleep in the day andup at night and morning.We clean his cage every other day.

Jenniblu wrote:
As part of that once over I would include grooming/brushing- it helps to prevent mats, tanlges, and fur block.


(It's really early-forgive me if someone already postedthis...) I think a quick brushing once a day isgreat! It's not crucial, but it makes cleaning the cageeasier, (especially if you are using towels) and will reduce a chanceof them getting a blockage. Using a damp washcloth or wethands also is great after a brushing, to just run down their coat topick up any loose hair. Be sure to look them over once a day:ears, paws, nails, rump, eyes, skin, coat...etc. Check theirteeth (I think) once a month, or if you are a spaz like me, once aweek :p

Invest in a good book about bunnies. I read SO many booksbefore I got my buns. I read SO much now. Havingsomething at home you can always refer to is GREAT! The otherday, my Shortness was sneezing and had a snotty nose, I used my rabbitbook to look up sickness in bunnies. It reallyhelps. Also, visit your local library and read all the booksyou can get your hands on. Good luck, and keep us posted!

Great suggestion, Kricket! :D

You should also join ARBA (American Rabbit BreedersAssociation). You get their Official Guidebook To RaisingBetter Rabbits (free with the initial membership), the ARBA Yearbookand a subscription to Domestic Rabbits magazine, and other privileges.

Thanks so much for all the help guys!If/when I get a bunny/ies, I can be positive I will give she/he/them agood home.

Speaking of bunny/ies and he/she/them, is it better to have one bunny or two?
At the beginning I would only get one bunny. Ifyou get two bunnies and they turn out to be male or female they couldbreed before you are able to get them fixed. One bunny is fine as longas you are able to spend time with it, and provide him/her with lots oftoys :D

Towels are'nt a good idea as they eat them whichcan make them very ill'also never leave your rabbit alone with theguinea pigs as the guinea pigs tend to bully a rabbit when their youngand have been known to bite off rabbits legs to sleep under them forwarmth :)
Um... no. No guinea pig could bite offa rabbit leg. And the reason guinea pigs and rabbits shouldntbe housed together is because of diseases and the rabbit kicking theguinea pig.

Guinea pigs couldnt bully a rabbit. Where did you get this information? It is grossly inaccurate.
Well i'm sorry i have had guinea pigs for tenyears and know from experience guinea pigs do bully lone young rabbits.The biting off of their legs came from my vet and pet shop owner whowitnessed this for himself'i certainly would'nt like to try it to findout if it's true'any way i thought you did'nt know any thing aboutrabbits
I have the experience from owning guineapigs. I retract my second statement, I didnt see that yousaid baby rabbits. I agree that they may bully. ButI still strongly disagree that that a guinea pig would have theverocity to bite off a rabbit leg for warmth... I cantimagine that a bunny would let a guinea pig bite off its leg...
My apologies, Kathryn.

I had misread something.



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