Dear Animalsrock,
You'll find that the PETA propaganda is not well received here as there are many breeders on this board.
I have found that the PETA people who have chosen themselves as theguardians of the creatures actually know so very little about theanimals themselves! Unbelieveable, but true! "Cute andCuddly" appears to be the limit of PETAs knowledge of the animals theyhave "to protect".
It appears to be more of an attempt at dictatorship and an underminingof the rights of citizens in the United States. Ourconstitution was based on the beliefs in the Bible. That same Biblethat has served asnot only a spiritual, butethicalguide for humanity for thousands of years, also statesthat animals were put on this earth for man's use. I deeplybelieve in the guiding force of the Bible (even though I am not aChristian).
QUOTE: "I can't believe evil people actualyl eat animals! I mean, that's like eating eachother!"
I am assuming you've never heard of the practice of cannibalism???
And for goodness sakes -- are you not aware that animals eat each other?
I do hope someday that you'll be able to explore the real world outsideof your very protected and limitedlifesexperiences-- but I honestly don't think that this is theplace for you, as your gentle nature would be shattered by theknowledge that you would be exposed to here.